Developing the mind set of success

Success, as we all know, is highly subjective in definition, as it is best determined by an individual. Success is undoubtedly one of the things - if not the greatest - that is greatly desired in all spheres of life.

However, I discovered that majority of us do not really have the correct and proper orientation of what success is - an ignorance which, I believe, has caused many to be unsuccessful. There's something very important I like to call our attention to, which is crucially needed for us to make success in all of our endeavours in life.

Success, in life, begins with one's mindset. It is more of having the right mindset than having the right resources, to achieve success. The kind of mind you have towards success determines how successful you become in life. If you develop the right mindset, when it comes to success, you are most advantaged to achieve success.

The mind is a critical factor, not only to success, but to some other issues of life. To corroborate this, the scriptures says, "keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life" - prov. 4:23. Whatever belief you have in your mind forms the bedrock of your attitudes and behaviours. The mind is so powerful that it dictates your actions and your dispositions. All that you do is a function of all that is within you.

your actions are the clear demonstration of your intentions.

Now, how does it relate with being successful? For you to be successful, your first have to cultivate a success mindset. Begin to see yourself as successful even if you seem to be far from it. Let it enter into your subconscious mind. When that happens: you begin to see yourself as a success, your belief of being successful makes up your convictions which gradually forms your attitude and then reflect in your actions. This is when you begin to act in conformity with your mind set. Every of your actions and habits changes and begins to drift towards success. And when people begin to notice these changes, they start giving you all kinds of success appellations. But what they don't understand is that: it is not what you do that makes you successful but what you believe about yourself.

When you see yourself as successful, there are some values you imbibe and inculcate, and there are some behaviours and habits you begin to exhibit which eventually makes your success clearly evident. People often think that success is all about doing something excellent and spectacular. Yes, that's true! But what I want us to understand is: those excellent things that you do are actually the results of what you have in your mind.
Go and ask those who are successful, they will tell you the kinds of attitude and habits they exhibit and practise, as a result of what they believe about themselves, which actually makes them successful. They didn't just stumble at success. No! They saw it in themselves and, then, worked to bring it out. Their outward manifestation of success is a direct result of their inward conviction of it.

That's why I came up with this idea that: "For you to be successful, you must be success - full". Success - full in the sense that you have to be full of success; developing the mind set of success and changing your attitudes to conform to that mindset.

For instance, if one wants to be a soldier, you first have to belief in yourself to be a soldier, and then, your attitude, behaviours, character and even your personality changes to that of a soldier, through training, then you become a real soldier. Remember, it first starts  from your mind. It is that mindset that enables you to be willing to undergo the hard training needed for you to be certified as a soldier. The is also true of success. It is the mindset you have that enables you to begin to exhibit the behaviours of successful people, which eventually makes you also successful.

Here are some of the things successful people do which, if you imbibe, you will also be successful:

1. They are positively minded.

2. They are disciplined

3. They are serious and passionate with whatever they do

4. The are focused

5. They are good Readers

6. They learn everyday

7. They keep company with sharp minds like themselves

8. They get themselves engaged in meaningful and educating discussions .

9. They judiciously spend their time.

10. They learn everyday

11. They make the best use of their today to prepare for their tomorrow.

12. They prepare themselves for success

13. They think of the consequences of their actions before they act.

14. They are highly principled and regulated

15. They establish cordial and harmonious relationship with mentors who can train them the more.

These and some other things are what successful people do and practice. If you also see yourself as a success, you will begin to adopt these practices and before you know anything, you become successful also.

I pray the Lord will help us all to be successful in Jesus name.

Thank you and God bless you .


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