Trusting God for your future

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 The key to securing your destiny

If there's anything that has so much caused launched me into discovering one of the truths of life, in respect to one's .future, it is the statement of a lady in a film I watched titled, "THE IGNITION" - a film, which I believe some of us have also watched. There's is this lady who had been suffering from this deadly and  excruciating disease known as epilepsy. There's really no need for me to go into much explication as to the shame, contempt, pains and embarrassment that hallmark the life of whoever falls victim of this disease, as I believe those are known facts. This had been a great - possibly the greatest - challenge for her while in a relationship with her supposed life partner. She had been battling with this shameful disease, which had so long plunged her into an overwhelming distress. She had spent much time in prayers, fastings and all kinds of spiritual exercise. But all proved abortive, as none proffered solution to her plight. She experienced the most challenging period of her life, when her partner announced his intention of quitting the relationship with her. This was when she, after much persuasion and plead to which the guy turned deaf ears, uttered this statement that actually thrust my mind into swimming in the ocean of the realities of life. The statement was this: "THOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR ME, BUT I KNOW WHO HOLDS MY FUTURE". You will not be more triggered to ponder on these words than I was when I also heard those them. They really opened my eyes of understanding to what, I think we need to also understand if we must secure our future and our destiny. She never knew what the future held for her, but she knew, clearly, who held her future - JESUS

The fact that needs to be properly established into your mind and entrenched into your orientation is that you have a great future and a colourful destiny. God has great plans for your life more than what you can ever envisage in your wildest imagination. God didn't just create you to be in this world. He had a  purpose for which he has sent you to this world. The plans he has for you are extremely great and wonderful. But many of us seem not to realize this, which is the reason why many people use all kinds of dubious means and enter into various occultic covenants to secure their future and enjoy good life. This will not only destroy their lives but also mar their destiny.

The best person to turn to for you to secure your future and become very great in life is no one but your maker - God. Though things may seem  difficult, as they may not be going on smoothly as planned; you may be facing one daunting challenge or the other that it now looks as if the whole world is on you; you may find yourself in an unpleasant and irrelevant place with regards to your career such that your future looks very dicey; maybe these and some other things are happening to you and then it appears as if you don't really know what the future holds for you, like that lady. I'm pleased to tell you today that God still has great plans for your life. He is still taking you to a place where you will be greatly amazed and favoured. In fact, you will turn to look back and discover that God has been faithful. But you have to understand the key to securing that great future of yours.

What I like you to understand is this: when you are so much God - conscious about your life and future, you will be walking in the midst of his plans for your life. As you depend on him, he will definitely guide your life and lead to you to the great place where he has predestined you to be. Remember, one of the most successful biblical character - King David - was once in the bush leading sheep, but God miraculously took him to the palace, leading people! So there's no limit to what you can become in life if only you can trust in God absolutely for a wonderful future and destiny.

Our major problem seems to stem from the fact that we don't really trust in God for our future. We rather focus much on the present and we allow our lives to be defined by the present circumstances. We always want to hold back the control our life from him, which is one big reason why we feel disappointed most times. Your future is best guaranteed if it is entrusted into the hands of God, as he will guide you into his plans for your life, which will undoubtedly grant you joy and fulfilment in life. Even if you don't see anything in your future, see Jesus.  If you can see Jesus, you can see everything. It takes absolute trust in God to walk in the realities of his plans for your life.

Why worry about your future? Why not leave everything to Jesus? Why not take hold of his promises and build your life on his word ? He knows what's best for you. He knows what your future entails and he has spoken about it in his word; you locate it and believe it.

Never build your life on people's opinions, as their opinions are only based on their perception, not on God's revelation; after all, they never created you or sent you to this world, so they only have a myopic understanding of what your life entails. The best they can say is what they feel, not what they know, about your future. Only God knows your future and can, in cooperation with you, decide what it is. When you focus more on yourself and what people say about you, instead of God, you will be blinded from seeing the privileges and opportunities inherent in God for you.

Never look at your limitations; rather, focus on God's provisions.

When you focus on your limitations rather than God's instructions, you may die in frustration

 Maximally utilize all that he has endowed you with - talents, gifts, etc, for the benefits of others.

Trust God for a glorious future, and you will, like the lady I talked about, be greatly amazed at where God will take you to. If you are privileged to have watched the film, you would know how the future was for the lady. The Lord delivered to her, the future she once envisaged by faith. She was tremendously blessed, as the Lord miraculously healed her of her disease and she found a very responsible and affluent husband. This is a bit of what trusting in God, based on his word, can make you become.

Get yourself connected with God by receiving him into your life. Develop a consistent relationship with him and begin to place your trust in him. You will see God helping you in all your endeavors. Never be discouraged! You will definitely make it in life. Your life is too precious to be wasted! Just trust God!



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