The key to discovering yourself and fulfilling your destiny

“And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Beth–lehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.” – 1 Samuel 16:1

Stated above were the words of the Lord, which he said to Samuel, the prophet, while he (Samuel) was still interceding for Saul – the king. Saul had earlier gone against the commandment of God by failing to fully carry out the instruction God gave to him. God had sent him to go and exterminate the amalekites but he acted in disobedience to what God told him by sparing the king and the best of the spoils – an act which greatly displeased God, and eventually led to his rejection as king. Now, what am I trying to bring out from here? Let’s look at the scripture again, “And the Lord said unto Samuel. How long wilt thou mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected from reigning over Israel?. Fill the horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the bethlehemite: for I have provided me a KING among his sons”. Note that God said he had found a king among the sons of Jesse. The rest is history. God was actually referring to David, who at this period, was still a small Shepard boy, looking after the sheep of his father – jesse – in the bush. He was seeing himself as a Shepard, and, in fact, everybody was seeing him as a Shepard but God saw him as a KING. That means that there was a king in David, yet to be realized. There was a leader in him yet hidden. Who could have thought that he, who was once in the bush leading sheep would later be in the palace, leading people.

Do you know that there is also a king in you. God has great and beautiful plans for everyone of us in life. Your conception in your mother’s womb was God’s intention. He thought of you before bringing you to this world. He had you in his mind even before there was any interaction between your parent. He saw you as a king who would be needed to fulfil a purpose in life. If you were not needed, you would never be created. So, don’t think your birth into this world was just an accident. No! It’s for a purpose. I mean a great purpose. David served the purpose of God for his generation. He might be thinking that he was born to be a Shepard boy, but he was not. He was born to be a king, a warrior, a leader and a psalmist. Beloved, I want to tell you this day that you have a great destiny. God has deposited in you, what you need to fulfil your life and destiny. However, it is your responsibility to discover it and bring it out. It is in you. Yes, it’s in you! That greatness is right there in you. That world class singer is there in you. That prolific writer is right within you. That inspirational speaker is right there within you. That powerful preacher is somewhere trapped in you. But these things will never come to limelight if you don’t take steps to discover them.
 It is sad to note that there are many people out there with great potentials, abilities and capabilities but are living below their potentials. Many do not even know who they are(identity), where they are going(destiny) and what they are meant to do(purpose). So many people are wasting their lives and destinies due to the ignorance of what God has deposited in them. The fact is this: greatness is not outside of you, as some people spend all of their life looking for it. It is right within you. Look into yourself and discover what God has designed in you. Many who are making it today are those who discovered themselves and found their path in life, and they are walking therein. That’s the only thing that can make your life meaningful and significant – discovering yourself. That king is in you but unless you take practical steps to discover it and develop it in you, you may spend the whole of your life living like a slave. I believe, you would not want to live a life like that. The, key, however is in your hands. There is no limit to what your life can produce if only you can discover yourself and find your path in life.

 Have you taken time to ask yourself these life changing questions: why I am here? What am I meant to do? What is the purpose of God for my life? These are the questions that give definition to your life. You have not started living if you have not provided answers to these questions of life. Look unto God and look into yourself to discover the purpose of your life. Your your future is not just to be desired; it is meant to be created by someone – and that is YOU!. Your destiny is greatly dependent on the choice you make and the decisions you take in life. Take time to discover your purpose now! Now is the best time to do that. The king is in you but you have to take proactive steps in bringing it out, else, it will forever remain in you.

 In Adam was the whole world; in Abraham was a nation; in Moses was a great leader and a prophet; in David was a king, warrior, leader and singer; in Elisha was a prophet greater than Elijah; in Jeremiah was a prophet unto nations; in Mary was our Lord Jesus Christ; in Peter was an apostle and leader of the First Church; in Saul, the persecutor was a vibrant evangelist and apostle to the gentiles; and to cap it all; in that little baby boy – Jesus –  born in a manger, was the Saviour of the world. These people all discovered the king in them, and they fulfilled the purpose of God for their generation. They blazed trails, found paths, reformed nations, did exploits and showcased the glory of God. You life can not produce less if you can also discover the king in you.

 Take note, however, that  these people all had relationship with God. So, the first step in discovering and unleashing the hidden king in you is having a relationship with God through his son – Jesus Christ. Have you given your life to Christ? And are you walking in his ways? If no, then you have to do that very quickly. God is calling unto you in love; heed his call. He paid a very great price to redeem your soul and bring you back to himself so that you can fulfil your purpose on earth and have a place in his kingdom. Give your life to Christ and begin the process of fulfilling your destiny. If you would like to do that, just say these few words of prayer

Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I realize am a sinner, doomed for eternal damnation and condemnation. I receive your love into my heart today as I accept you as my lord and personal Savior. I believe in my heart that you came to this world to die for my sins and that you rose up on the third day. Lord Jesus, I confess you today as my lord and Savior. Cleanse my sins and forgive my iniquities. Thank you for saving my soul. In Jesus name I pray Amen. 

 If you have successfully done that, congratulations! You have entered into a new life. Get closer to God, and find a Bible believing church to begin to attend. You will live to fulfil your purpose and your destiny in life in Jesus name.


 ©olakunle Paul 

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