Maximizing your life

YOUR LIFE —  a treasured gift

Have you ever sat down and ask yourself some questions about your life? Do you really understand that your life is a gift given to you by the creator? From a biblical point of view, i like you to understand what life – i mean human individual lives – is really is.
I discover that those whose lives have been of great blessing and impacts to the world are those who really understand the meaning and value of their lives. These are those who knew and discovered the path to living a fulfilled life. It also came to my discovery that of all that humanity enjoy from God, our creator, life is the most treasured and valuable gift. I call it a gift because it is what we are given free of charge. Of all the creatures of God, man is the most blessed, favored and privileged. God has blessed us with great and wonderful things, prominent among which is our lives. Ever since I discovered this truth, my orientation about life and my attitude towards it have seriously changed. I’m trusting God that the Lord will grant you the revelation needed for you to understand, to a greater depth, what life — and your life in particular — is.

It is an unquestionable fact that we sometimes wonder what life is all about. We do ask ourselves some critical and philosophical questions as to what the essence of life is.  We do ask ourselves, what is life ? What am I doing here? Why am I in this world?, etc.  These are the questions that have been the innermost craving of all human being. Most of us wonder why life seems to be two sided. While some people are great, some are irrelevant; some poor, while others rich; some are making it while others are not. Why is life like that ? It seems as if some selected few understand life better than the rest. However, these and some other fundamental questions of life cannot be holistically and perfectly answered based on the scope of human understanding. There is need for us to consult the creator of mankind, the one who has the greater understanding of what our personal lives are. He is the one who created you and initiates our being in this world. He is therefore the only one who can satisfy our desire to understand our lives and live a fulfilled and meaningful life.
On this note, I would like us to look at a particular story, narrator by our Lord Jesus Christ, the possessor of all knowledge. It was from this story that my understanding of our lives got renewed and sharpened. I would later discover that one’s life is a gift given by God. The story was actually  about a man who left his country to another. But before, he left, he committed some things — which the King James version of the scriptures call goods (talents).

“ For  the kingdom of  heaven is as a man travelling into a far country,   who called his own servants, and delivered unto  them his goods.  And unto one he gave five  talents, to another two, and to another one; to  every man according to his several ability; and  straightway took his journey.” – Matt. 25:14-15. 

Here we see that this master, before embarking on this journey of his, gave his servants some good (talents), and these talents were individually based. They were not the same for all of them. In fact the scriptures says, “to everyman according to his several ability”. This, according to my own understanding is a perfect illustration of our lives. God created every one of us, and gave us lives to live.  Note, the life he gave to you is clearly different from that which he gave to someone else’s.  Never try to imitate anybody else. You have your own life to live. When you live your life in imitation, frustration is inevitable, because no matter how's hard you try, you cannot become another person, you can only be like them – which amounts to nothing but death of your personal identity. God creating everyone of us differently and uniquely definitely is his prerogative, and not you to question. He gave us these unique  lives according to his own purpose.

 Again I like us to critically look at something: this master, immediately after delivering those talents to his servants, went on his journey. From this attitude of the master, and from the resulting response of the First and second servants – which was trading with the talents –.we discover that these talents given to them were for a purpose. The master actually expected them to understand – which I believe they did – that they were to do something with what they were given. It was for a purpose.
This further clarifies my understanding of our lives, which we have been given by God, our creator.
 Your life is given to you for a purpose! What we have all been given – which I understand to be our lives – are for some purposes. God expect everyone of us to do something meaningful with those lives. Listen, your existence in this world is for an essence. If you were not needed, you would not be created. God needs you, to fulfil a purpose in this life, and that is why he created you to be in this world. It will then be a great – if not the greatest – mistake to think that you are just in this world for the purpose of being in the world.
Many people, actually, think that life is all about enjoyment, pleasure, wealth seeking,  and material prosperity alone. This, is of course, the reason why many  people are living unfulfilled life. So many lives are being wasted just because many do not understand that their lives are given them for a purpose – to trade with it.

Come to think of it. Those, like I earlier said, whom the world, today, regard as great men and women are those who understood their value and essence of their lives. These were those who meaningfully and usefully utilized the lives that God has given them to fulfil their God given purposes.  If they had wasted their lives, they wouldn’t have made so great impacts in the world. Right from the days of the biblical characters through the church age to our contemporary world, great men and women who have affected their generation, and have had their names forever imprinted into the pages of history are those who discovered their purposes and maximized their lives.
Think of people like, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, the rest of the apostles, John Wesley, Charles Finney, Kathryn Kumar, John lake, John Maxwell, Myles Munroe, pastor kumuyi, bishop oyedepo, Dr Olukoya, pastor Adeboye, and some influential personalities. They greatly maximized their lives. They never left their lives to chance. Their impacts remain forever indelible in our history today.

The fact is that you can also become as great as these people. In fact, even, greater than them. The key is to understand that your life is a gift given to maximize to fulfil a purpose. Discovering this purpose, and committing your life to it is the key to living a successful and a fulfilled life.

If I may ask, what meaningful thing have you done with your life since you were born? How valuable and priceless do you even see your life? Are you living a life of purpose or you are just living a life of trials and errors ? This is the best time for you to sit down and take absolute responsibility for your life. You cannot afford to waste it. Rise up today and begin to do something with your life. This is the only key to personal fulfillment in life.
You must understand that the consequence of you not maximizing your life to the fulfillment of your purpose can be more grievous than you think. As seen in the way one of the servants, whom the master gave one talent, but never utilized it, was treated,

“Then  he which had received the one talent came and  said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man,  reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering  where thou hast not strawed: And I was afraid,  and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there  thou hast that is thine.  His lord answered  and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful  servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed  not, and gather where I have not strawed:  Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money  to the exchangers, and then at my coming I  should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it  unto him which hath ten talents. For unto  every one that hath shall be given, and he shall  have abundance: but from him that hath not shall  be taken away even that which he hath.” – Matt. 25:24-29.

Make up your mind today never to waste your life. However remember that for you to fully maximize your life in fulfilling your purpose, you need God. A life that is devoid of God, i must tell you, is nothing but a meaningless life.  Do you have a relationship with God? Have you surrendered your life to Christ? If no, then first settle that with God. When you give God the first place in your life, every other thing will fall into place.
Your life is your most treasured gift. Never waste it!
God bless you
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© Olakunle Paul


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