Unravelling the mystery behind the human nature of unsatisfactoriness


It is often a common saying that, "Human beings are insatiable". This ideology, though economically deduced, best describes the undying nature of human crave for satisfaction. It is practically human for us to want to be satisfied in all things into which we are engaged. I believe there is this inborn trait within us that silently cries for satisfaction in all areas and aspects of our lives. There's no argument about the fact that our ultimate goal in whatever we undertake in life is to be satisfied.
However, it's only a question of time, as we would soon be looking for other means and alternatives through which our need for satisfaction can be adequately met.

Now, when I sit down to examine this ideology  critically, I discovered that truly, human being will never be satisfied. Note my choice of word, "will" not "can". I intentionally used that word to make us realize that human being "can" actually be satisfied. We have the capacity to be satisfied. But the main reason why we will never be satisfied is that our orientation has been altered. There has been a  misconception of our configuration, and we have so much deviated from our our divine make up. How did that happen?

When you give a meticulous attention to the account of man's creation, you will discover the ingenuity of God in making us perfect in all ramifications. Man was created with no iota of imperfection. We were perfectly made and created. At creation, man was ultimately satisfied , not because of the food, shelter, material things, enjoyment, the harmless and friendly animals, stress free environment or  pleasures of the garden. No! These were not the source of man's satisfaction. Man was perfectly satisfied because of something that was available to him. It is God! The source of man's satisfaction was God, and not his gifts - food, shelter, water, etc. Man was perfectly satisfied in God. The presence of God, in the garden, was the reason for man's satisfaction. This is because that was how man was created. That was the nature inbuilt into us by the creator – to be satisfied in nothing but God! This is the divine make up and configuration I'm talking about. We are meant to be satisfied in God, not in any other thing else. That  "trait" which I said is within us, crying for utmost satisfaction is tied to God.  And, so when God is available, it will be satisfied. That was the main reason why God used to make himself available to the first man at Eden. He knew that in him, only, could they be ultimately satisfied.

However, the devil, in his subtlety, was able to introduce, into the woman, a misconception of her configuration. He deceitfully shifted the woman's attention from God – as the only source of satisfaction – to the fruit. The devil did not authoritatively ask the woman to eat the fruit. No!  He had to destroy the woman's conception of God and of herself. And how did he do this?  By telling her that God is a liar, and that the fruit is good. By this, he made her to believe that she cannot be satisfied in God – which is nothing but a deceit – but that she could only be satisfied in the fruit. The belief of the  woman in this false concept actually led to the alteration in her make up. She and her husband, took their attention away from God and placed it in the fruit. It was after she gave in, by eating the fruit, that she now realized the invalidity of the new concept. The deed, however, has been done.

Having discovered this, then I came to the realization that man's reason for unsatisfactoriness was due to the fact that we have shifted our attention away from God; we have now placed it in his gifts. That's the main reason why human being finds it extremely difficult to be satisfied, and therefore came to the conclusion that,  "Human beings are insatiable".
 The reason is that we make the gifts of life,  money, food, shelter, work, etc, rather than making the giver of life, God, our source of satisfaction.

Dearly beloved, the point I'm trying to make is this: no matter how hard you work in this life, you can never be satisfied unless you make Jesus, the one and only begotten son of God, your source of satisfaction. The things of this world are good, but the fact remains that they can never satisfy you. If a man is crying for a motorcycle, give it to him, and he will soon be crying for a car! If a man is earning a certain of money, give it to him, and he will soon be asking for more! Nothing in this life, my brother/sister can ever satisfy you ultimately. The only thing that can.... Is God!

Hear what Jesus told his disciples, when he perceived that they were worrying,

"therefore I say unto you, take no thought  for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than railment " - Matt. 6:25. 

These are, undoubtedly, the things that constitute man's basic needs in life – food, water, shelter, etc.  Not that those things are not necessary. In fact they are very much important. But what Jesus was trying to tell them is that they shouldn't place their trust in them; rather, this is what he asked them to seek and crave for,

 " But seek ye the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you" – Matt. 6:33.

 What we are to make our source of satisfaction is the kingdom of God not the things of the world.

 "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him" , remarked John Piper.  As a matter of fact, the things of these world, in which we place our trust, are but for a short period of time. But God is eternal.
 I beseech you, therefore, brethren to seek God rather than seeking the things of the world, for it is only God that can ultimately satisfy. If you are yet to have any relationship with him, now is the best time to develop one! Accept Jesus today and allow him into your life.

 Stop worrying and start worshipping because your source of joy is not in the world but in the word (Jesus). And remember that with God, "HUMAN BEINGS ARE SATIABLE"

God bless You!



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