Academic success is a function of your choice



The subject of academic success is no doubt the most interesting thing, I think, every students will love to hear. This is because, academic success is the most prominent hallmark of a meaningful studentship. Not only is succeeding academically the proof of one’s acquisition of knowledge and understanding of techniques, but also the only justification for the time and resources spent while acquiring the knowledge. The significance of academic success to a student cannot, in any way, be overemphasized. For, every students desires to be successful and to be excellent in their academics.

However, as good as this desire of ours, as students is, there are things that we need to understand for us to really walk in the reality of academic success, one of which I’m going to be speaking about in this article.

The first thing I like to establish in your mind is that, academic success is not an unachievable feat, neither is it exclusively meant for the, “genius” as some people erroneously believe. No sir! Every student has the potential to succeed in them. Recognizing this potential and taking the necessary responsibilities to work it out is where many often miss it. As a child of God (if you have made the Lord Jesus your Lord and your personal Savior), success is your birthright! You are destined to make outstanding marks in your academics. God has already affirmed through his word that you can succeed academically. Hear what the Bible says, “And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:” — Deut. 28:13.
 God said it is possible for you to be the head (in your academics), and not the tail. Interestingly, he also said you can actually remain above ONLY. Look at that! So, you see that it is very possible for you to make and break records in your academic endeavor in life. If it was not possible, God wouldn’t have said it.

We, however, need to understand that for us to really walk in the reality of that promise of success from God, one thing is fundamentally needed; it is choice! You see, it is one thing to read about success, but it is another thing to really choose to succeed. Many actually desires success, but, only few choose to succeed. Before you can be successful in your academics as a student, you have to choose it. Everything you are in life is a function of your choice. “Life is not a matter of chance but of choice”, says, bishop oyedepo. Whatever you are today is a product of the choice(s) you made yesterday. Life responds to choices you make.
 And, so for you to walk in academic success, you have to choose to succeed. What you choose you become.

The reason why many students fail is that they never really chose to succeed in the first place. Mind you, they want to succeed, but they don’t chose to succeed; they only desire it! Whereas, those who make outstanding feats in the word of academics are those who do not only desire to succeed, but also choose to succeed. They commit themselves to being successful, and they achieve it.

What I am trying to say in essence is that, for you to succeed, you must choose to succeed. Success does not just come. It answers to your choice. Do not just desire it; choose it. And you know what, whatever you chose, you commit yourself to. So, in choosing to succeed, that means you agree to committing yourself to fulfilling its standards and requirements.

You see, success has its own standards, and you need to understand that, it can never lower its standard to accommodate mediocrity. You will be the one to raise your standard in order to satisfy its requirements. The extra miles you go; the extra price you pay; the extra works you do; the extra materials you study; and the extra things you invest is what makes you extraordinary. You can never attain success on the alter of mediocrity, but by taking responsibility. Those who have chosen to succeed are those who have made a dangerous determination to give it all that it takes (positively though) to succeed. You don’t find those class of people everywhere every time. You always find them busy and very much occupied. This is because, they have set their minds to do something—  to succeed academically! What you choose to do takes the most of your time, and makes the most of your life. If you choose to succeed, then you will commit yourself to it. Desiring success is not enough; you have to take proactive steps towards bringing it to reality. Begin to make adequate sacrificial investments into your studies.

 "Until success becomes necessity to you, you cannot walk in its reality". — Olakunle Paul

You must begin to see it as something necessary, or else, you won’t take responsibility for it. Students who have chosen to succeed are those who eventually make it to the top of their class. Thinking of success without taking any steps or action to achieve it is nothing but living in the world of illusion.

I want you to ask yourself, “do I really want academic success?”, “have I really taken my time to commit myself to achieving it?”, “am I really making necessary investments required to take me to the top?” and “am I ready to pay the price?”.
Your answers to these questions go a long way in determining the outcome of your life as far as academic success is concerned. I like to emphasize that academic excellence is very much possible and achievable. You only need to chose it, and consequent upon your choice, commit yourself to getting it.

I need to tell you however that as good as being academically successful is, one thing is very much important for you to know; it is having Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. That is the greatest success you can ever have dear reader. Wait, I’m not being religious. I’m telling you the truth. Succeeding academically in life without succeeding with God in heaven is the greatest failure. Jesus is the only source of great and genuine success. Forsake your sins today and give your life to him.  He loves you more than what you can ever think of. With him in your life, your success is guaranteed. Just believe him in your heart that he died for you; confess him with your mouth as your Lord and Savior; repent, confess and forsake your sins; then begin to live a new life of Christ. Success is yours in Jesus name.

Click the link below to download a book, “the price for academic success”. by olakunle paul

Thanks and God bless you!


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