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There is no doubt about the fact that one of the most passionate desires or craves of every individual is to be successful in whatever he engages in. In the light of today’s much competitive world, the dominance of success, as the subject of our utmost desire and passionate daily pursuits, cannot be overemphasized. We all want to be successful and accomplished. This is no doubt very good and okay. At least, being successful should, as a matter of general acceptance and personal satisfaction, be one’s aim in anything one does.

However, as sincere as this desire to be successful may be, we need to understand that success without purpose is nothing but a failure in disguise.  Let’s try and examine what success really is. Success, basically or rather technically, is the accomplishment of a goal. It is the joy, satisfaction and fulfilment that is derived from the achievement of a set goal. But, giving it a critical look, you will agree with me that anything can be termed, “a success” provided it is predicated on the accomplishments of anything whatsoever, either negatively or positively.
 However, to be purposeful is to be intentional and objective in whatever one does. It simply means accomplishing a goal that is defined and objective based. It has to do with being successful in doing the right thing for the right purpose. The difference between a successful accomplishment and a purposeful accomplishment is that a successful accomplishment only satisfies one’s desires, while a purposeful one does not only satisfies one’s desires, but also has positive impacts on lives of others. That’s the real success!
Everyone instinctively desires to be successful, but very few are actually purposeful in their pursuits of success. And, this has, by implication, caused more harm than good to us as individuals and to our society in general. We have many people today who are actually successfully but are not purposeful, and this has made their success to be nothing better than a successful failure. Many of us today have made things, that are of no relevance to our purpose in life, our priorities, rather than being concerned about what we are really meant to do. It is one thing to do good things, it is another thing to do the required things. Majority of what we do, even though we are successful in them, are not what we are really meant to do.
You see, the real success is to accomplish what you are meant to do. Success is good but purpose is better. This is because, purpose has a lasting impression on the people. When you are too success minded, you tend to be subjective in your approach. That is, all you think about is all, “YOU” you hardly think of how others are affected by what you do. Your main concern becomes you being satisfied even if it has a detrimental effect on others. But, when you are purpose driven and purpose minded, you will be objective in your approach. And, this means that you don’t just think of what you do alone but also on the effects of what you do. When you are purposeful, the satisfaction of others becomes your source of satisfaction rather than just the completion of the project.

I have come to realize that most of the things we are successful at are better not be done at all. Completing the task is not what matters, but, how beneficial the task is to others. Some have made material prosperity their daily pursuits not because they really are in need of it now, but because they want to give a kind of, “success impression”. I tell you, that is no success but failure! Success without purpose only hampers development. Yes, the task is accomplished but of what benefit is it to the people? When you are driven by success, rather than purpose, you grow but fail to develop. So many people today are doing very well and okay, and they are being successful, but not blessing others. What they are doing is not what they are meant to do.

Life is about fulfilling purpose. I want you to understand that you are not just here to be here. God has a defined purpose for your existence. “you were completed before you were created”, says Myles Munroe. Completed in the sense that. God has perfectly designed you for a purpose he already saw before you were even conceived in your mother’s womb. The reason why you are on earth is that there is a reason why you should be here; otherwise, you wouldn’t have been here. God is never a waster of resources. If you were not needed, you would never be created. So, in your approach to life, be purpose driven. This is because the real success is to fulfil this defined purpose why you are on earth. It doesn’t matter the amount of money you have, the position you have attained, the things you have acquired, the power and authority you wield; if you are not in your place of assignment, you have not succeeded at all! Do not just be concerned about being successful, be rather concerned about fulfilling your purpose, which is actually the real success. The fact that others have gone ahead of you does not mean you will also not be successful. Everyone has a unique assignment to carry out in life. Never be moved by the outstanding success of others, rather, let your purpose be your motivation."if you live in imitation, you will die in frustration", says Olakunle Paul.

Take time to discover your purpose in God, and begin to run with it. That is what it means to be living, and not just existing.

 If you don’t have a relationship with Christ Jesus, it’s high time you did that now. This is not a religious matter my friend, but the real matter. Jesus is the only one ordained by the father to link you up to God. And, it is only in God that you can discover your purpose in life. A life you live without Christ Jesus in you, no matter how religious, relevant, prosperous and  influential you are; it is a wasted life, a failure indeed! Forsake your sins and quit living a purposeless life. Christ Jesus has the power to save, forgive and cleanse you from your sins. He has the power to change your life and make it meaningful and purposeful. I beseech you, beloved, to consider giving your life to Christ today. He alone can help you make your life count, not only here on earth, but also in heaven, at the end of your life. He turned my life around, brought peace and joy into my heart, gave me a sense of purpose, significance and relevance. Thank you Jesus!

Dear reader, I don’t just want you to be driven by success. Relax, and take time to see if what you are doing is what you are supposed to do, so that your efforts will not be wasted. Yes, you might be successful, but in the wrong thing. Let your life be driven by purpose. In whatever you do, let your satisfaction be derived from fulfilling the reason why you do it instead of just seeing it done. The real successful people in life are not those who just succeed in something but those who succeed in their purpose.
Remember, Methuselah, the oldest man in the Bible. He truly lived 969 years on earth, but without any impact on his generation. The only two things that were successfully recorded about him were his age and his death. Where as, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man who only lived 33 years while on earth, is today still remembered. Why? Because, he did not just succeed, he fulfilled his purpose on earth. The benefits of that success is what determines the destiny of the whole of humanity. If you believe him, and trust in his redemptive work, you are saved. But, if you don’t, you are dammed.
Let me close with these words, “In your daily or life pursuits, never be driven by success; rather be driven by purpose” because success might last as long as you live, but purpose will outlive you and keep you living in people’s hearts even after you have died. It is good to be successful; but, it is better to be purposeful.

Thanks and God bless you.


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