Understanding the writings of destiny


 Joseph - the man of destiny

Destiny is the predetermined plan of God for one’s life. Your life was carefully planned by God before your conception in your mother’s womb. Nobody is born just to come and fill a space on earth. We are all born to fulfill purpose, and the successful accomplishment of that purpose is the definition of success. 

If there was no potiphar's wife, there would be no Joseph the Prime Minister. One who is destiny minded will take very good observation of the things that happen in his life. He/she does not just live life passively but actively. Some of our experiences in life are actually the writings of destiny, but It takes one who is observant enough to understand what destiny is saying at that point in time through the various experiences. Understanding the writings of destiny, that is, to know what destiny is saying at a particular point in time will guide you to making important choices and decisions in your life. Many people have taken destiny-costing decisions because they were unable to understand what destiny was saying at that moment of their decision making. All the decisions you take in life have one implication or the other on your destiny fulfillment. 

There are some certain people in your life that are destiny required, as much as there are some who absolutely unnecessary. Some are meant to give us good experiences while some are meant to also give us unpleasant ones to the end that we might become fully trained, developed and mature for destiny. Potipher's wife was necessary for Joseph to become whom God had destined him to become, and so, he had to pass the test before he could proceed in the journey of his life.
Joseph was a man of destiny. He was very much minded of the plans of God for his life. He understood how much implication 'his sleeping' with his master's wife was going to be. While he was swimming in the ocean of decision as to whether to consent to the immoral pleas, he remembered God - the anchor of his destiny -  and he remembered the plan of God for his life. He also understood that, the temptation was actually a writing of destiny saying that he needed to pass it positively before he could proceed to the next stage in the plan of God for his life. His refusal to give in to the woman’s immoral suggestions actually launched him into the next phase of his destiny which would later usher him into the fulfillment of his destiny.

It’s not just enough to live, we must be destiny minded, purpose oriented and God conscious. There are some circumstances that you have passed through — or that you are passing through — which are actually the writings of destiny. Destiny might be communicating some things to you through those experiences you have had. Some friends will come your way not just for the purpose of being friends but because they are required by destiny to be there. How many of us have missed the people we are supposed to meet, and meet the people we are supposed to miss.
You might be going through some unpleasant circumstances in your life, but, the question to ask yourself is that, what is destiny trying to communicate to me? Is there any thing God is trying to call my attention to? Your sensitivity is what determines your understanding of destiny writing in such situations. Are you seriously facing some temptations in your life just like Joseph? Understand the implication of giving in to those temptations to your destiny and life.

You see, when you begin to take responsibility to fulfill God’s purpose and destiny for your life, you will begin to appreciate your pains and experiences. Could it be that there’s a message God wants to make of your life that made you find yourself studying a course you never intended for? Could that be destiny saying to you that you need to pass through the course for the greater place God is taking you to? Do you know that for you to be effective in your life, and to successfully fulfill God’s plan for your life, there are some experiences, which as a matter of necessity, you must have? Truly, those experiences might be painful but I tell you, they are for a purpose. Without the cross story, there would be no crown Glory for Jesus. Jesus had to partake of our infirmities, limitations and weaknesses for him to effectively save us. Our salvation could not have been possible if he came as God. He had to experience humanity for our salvation to be procured. There’s no glory without a story. The dungeon experience was of course not pleasant to Joseph but then, it was required for him to pass through it. He would later be in charge of making sure there was enough food for the Egyptians during the famine period. He himself had experienced what it meant to be hungry in the dungeon. So, his Hunger experience was needed for his being an effective food coordinator. 

Keys to understanding the writings of destiny:

1. Take responsibility for your life.’ Show me a man who is absolutely responsible for his life ,and I will show you a man who will fulfill destiny

2. have a quality, sin free relationship with God. Joseph was very much conscious of his relationship with God that he could not afford to lose t on the alter of immorality.

2. know the mind of God by developing excellent intimacy with the Holy Spirit. It is only through an intimate relationship with the holy spirit that you can get to know what is the mind of God for you.

3. Be purpose driven and destiny minded. Always be conscious of Gods plan for your life

4. Be sensitive in all situations

I close with this, the most fulfilling life is a life that is purpose driven, destiny minded and God conscious. You are here on earth to fulfill a purpose, and everything in your life should be driven by that purpose. The fulfillment of your purpose is a fundamental requirement for the fulfillment of your God ordained destiny. Never live your carelessly. Understand your place in destiny, and note what destiny is saying per time. May you fulfill destiny in Jesus name.


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