Deciding your eternal destiny
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Have you ever sat down mainly to consider the fact that all we can see now, about life, is not all there is to it. There's, greatly, more to life than the mere scientific conclusions or philosophical deductions, we draw on it.
The truth is that the subject of our being (existence) transcends our stay on earth. When the veil in our understanding is removed, we will discover that there's something much more beyond our earthly domicile. There is a place where our eternal destiny is decided. When I say eternal destiny, I mean your predetermined fate after death.
It's highly imperative for you to term with the fact that your stay on earth, no matter how great, prosperous, successful and influential it is, is of no significance, if your stay beyond earth is not decided. All that you are able to acquire on earth: the excellent degrees; the lovely friends; the great mansions; the luxurious cars etc, are useless if your eternal destiny is yet to be decided. The truth of the matter is that: either, you like it or not, you are not going to be here - earth - forever. No! You will definitely leave, but where you will land depends on the way you have prepared yourself, while in the world.
This issue is, undoubtedly, the most important issue, any rational person who doesn't want to regret coming to this world, will consider. It's highly pivotal to what happens to us at transition - death.
However, there are two options available for every human beings to chose from, as to where one's eternity - life after death - will be spent. They are: Heaven and hell. Listen, you may not believe, but I want to tell you, they are real. The greatest tragedy that can ever because anybody is not DEATH but *ETERNITY IN HELL*. Hell is not a suitable place for any human being. It's a place of torment and eternal sufferings; a place where *mercy*and *grace* are completely strange. I want to believe you wouldn't want to experience such a horrible place. This is not to scare you or induce fear into your heart, but I'm sorry that's just the simple and the most basic truth. The gospel has to be presented in its entirety, revealing both the love of God and the impeding judgment over sinners. Heaven, on the other hand, is a place of joy, love and peace. A place where there's no more sorrow, sickness, death and all kinds life challenges. This is a place designed and reserved for those who chose it, through Christ, and live for it, through righteousness and holiness.
This is not a religious matter, but the Real matter. Religion has nothing to do with the issue of your eternal destiny. Your church attendance have nothing to do with it either. Oh!. May be you are the son or daughter of a clergy; a vibrant and devout worker in the church of God; a wonderful singer with an angelic anointing coupled with a melodious voice; all these, though relevant, are not fundamentally important to your eternal destination. What is very paramount and of utmost important is your relationship with Christ - Salvation.This determines your eternal destiny. It doesn't matter the amount of knowledge you have about Jesus or the subject of salvation; the number of years you have spent in the church; your status; your spiritual gifts, etc; *if you don't have Christ living in you, you have hell waiting for you* learning about Jesus is good, but knowing him personally is better.
Listen! You may not believe it, but your "not believing it" does not, in anyway, stop you from dying; stops Jesus from coming; or makes the message irrelevant . No!
The best you can do for yourself now is to sit down, think reflectively on your life and decide your fate at the great beyond. This is best decided by you, and I not anybody else. Your pastor can't! Neither can your parents can!. You are the only determining factor to your eternal destiny.
I like you to take these words into consideration. Create a room for Jesus to come into your heart and make your ways right with God. Decide your eternal destiny today, as tomorrow may be too late! God bless you as you give Jesus a chance.
I'm of the believe that this is a post to be shared to our unsaved friends and relatives.
Have you ever sat down mainly to consider the fact that all we can see now, about life, is not all there is to it. There's, greatly, more to life than the mere scientific conclusions or philosophical deductions, we draw on it.
The truth is that the subject of our being (existence) transcends our stay on earth. When the veil in our understanding is removed, we will discover that there's something much more beyond our earthly domicile. There is a place where our eternal destiny is decided. When I say eternal destiny, I mean your predetermined fate after death.
It's highly imperative for you to term with the fact that your stay on earth, no matter how great, prosperous, successful and influential it is, is of no significance, if your stay beyond earth is not decided. All that you are able to acquire on earth: the excellent degrees; the lovely friends; the great mansions; the luxurious cars etc, are useless if your eternal destiny is yet to be decided. The truth of the matter is that: either, you like it or not, you are not going to be here - earth - forever. No! You will definitely leave, but where you will land depends on the way you have prepared yourself, while in the world.
This issue is, undoubtedly, the most important issue, any rational person who doesn't want to regret coming to this world, will consider. It's highly pivotal to what happens to us at transition - death.
However, there are two options available for every human beings to chose from, as to where one's eternity - life after death - will be spent. They are: Heaven and hell. Listen, you may not believe, but I want to tell you, they are real. The greatest tragedy that can ever because anybody is not DEATH but *ETERNITY IN HELL*. Hell is not a suitable place for any human being. It's a place of torment and eternal sufferings; a place where *mercy*and *grace* are completely strange. I want to believe you wouldn't want to experience such a horrible place. This is not to scare you or induce fear into your heart, but I'm sorry that's just the simple and the most basic truth. The gospel has to be presented in its entirety, revealing both the love of God and the impeding judgment over sinners. Heaven, on the other hand, is a place of joy, love and peace. A place where there's no more sorrow, sickness, death and all kinds life challenges. This is a place designed and reserved for those who chose it, through Christ, and live for it, through righteousness and holiness.
This is not a religious matter, but the Real matter. Religion has nothing to do with the issue of your eternal destiny. Your church attendance have nothing to do with it either. Oh!. May be you are the son or daughter of a clergy; a vibrant and devout worker in the church of God; a wonderful singer with an angelic anointing coupled with a melodious voice; all these, though relevant, are not fundamentally important to your eternal destination. What is very paramount and of utmost important is your relationship with Christ - Salvation.This determines your eternal destiny. It doesn't matter the amount of knowledge you have about Jesus or the subject of salvation; the number of years you have spent in the church; your status; your spiritual gifts, etc; *if you don't have Christ living in you, you have hell waiting for you* learning about Jesus is good, but knowing him personally is better.
Listen! You may not believe it, but your "not believing it" does not, in anyway, stop you from dying; stops Jesus from coming; or makes the message irrelevant . No!
The best you can do for yourself now is to sit down, think reflectively on your life and decide your fate at the great beyond. This is best decided by you, and I not anybody else. Your pastor can't! Neither can your parents can!. You are the only determining factor to your eternal destiny.
I like you to take these words into consideration. Create a room for Jesus to come into your heart and make your ways right with God. Decide your eternal destiny today, as tomorrow may be too late! God bless you as you give Jesus a chance.
I'm of the believe that this is a post to be shared to our unsaved friends and relatives.
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