
Showing posts from December 14, 2017

Deciding your eternal destiny

✍  ✍  ✍  ✍  ✍  ✍ DECIDING YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY Have you ever sat down mainly to consider the fact that all we can see now, about life, is not all there is to it. There's, greatly, more to life than the mere scientific conclusions or philosophical deductions, we draw on it. The truth is that the subject of our being (existence) transcends our stay on earth. When the veil in our  understanding is removed, we will discover that there's  something much more beyond our earthly  domicile. There is a place where our eternal destiny is decided. When I say eternal destiny,  I mean your predetermined fate after death. It's highly imperative for you to term with the fact that your stay on earth, no matter how great, prosperous, successful and influential it is, is of no significance, if your stay beyond earth is not decided. All that you are able to acquire on earth: the excellent degrees; the lovely friends; the great mansions; the luxurious ca...

You are a priceless jewel

✍   ✍   ✍   ✍   ✍   YOU ARE A PRICELESS JEWEL I like to open our understanding to the value of our life as human beings. Of all the creatures of God, human being is the most resourceful and resilient ; fully loaded with myriads of potentials, creatively entrenched into every fibres of our instinct - our default setting. You are not just on this earth make numbers; no! You are here because you have a critical and unique role to play. Your life is not to be wasted  but to be maximally utilized to serve humanity. Until, your mental faculty is opened to this understanding, you will never come to the full understanding of your God - given capabilities needed to fulfil your God - given purpose. Until you come to term with the fact that every fibre of your being is preciously loaded with invaluable potentials, you may never realize how significant you are to your world. The highly successful people, whose great achievements are  objects of admiration ...