THE THREE PRECIOUS STONES: Keys to living a successful life

THE THREE PRECIOUS STONES Long time ago, there existed a city called the City of Life. This city has so many inhabitants who are into various occupations. In this city, anyone who would be successful had to embark on a journey known as the journey of destiny to a destination called, "the fulfillment of life” . Those who succeeded in this city were those who successfully completed their journey and got to the destination while those who couldn’t embark on the journey or those who started but never got to the destination were regarded as failures. In this city there lived two friends whose names were knowledge and ignorance. One day, the two friends, in their quest for success, made up their minds, and decided to also embark on this journey. So, they got themselves ready, the following day, and they set out for the great journey. They were required to consult a man called wisdom who would enlighten them about the journey and told them what they would need to get to t...