WHO ARE YOU? Prominent among the things, I vehemently believe, that the average young man/woman struggles with is to know who he/she is. One may not want to readily accept this fact, but as much as you would want to disagree with it, its consequential implications on not only the individual but also on the society at large is irrefutable. The average young man/woman is being plagued by what is psychologically known as 'identity crisis'. He doesn’t know who he is. This crisis of identity, as we shall understand later, I believe very strongly, is what is responsible for the depravity and lawlessness that sadly characterizes our modern society. Quite a considerable number of young people have engaged — and are still engaging — in all kinds of stuff that are out-rightly bad, and of course, not responsible of them all in the name of youthful exuberance. The average young person silently cries to know who exactly he is because he knows intuitively that, tied to the ...