Academic success is a function of your choice

ACADEMIC SUCCESS IS A FUNCTION OF YOUR CHOICE BY OLAKUNLE PAUL A WRITER AND A PROSPECTIVE AUTHOR The subject of academic success is no doubt the most interesting thing, I think, every students will love to hear. This is because, academic success is the most prominent hallmark of a meaningful studentship. Not only is succeeding academically the proof of one’s acquisition of knowledge and understanding of techniques, but also the only justification for the time and resources spent while acquiring the knowledge. The significance of academic success to a student cannot, in any way, be overemphasized. For, every students desires to be successful and to be excellent in their academics. However, as good as this desire of ours, as students is, there are things that we need to understand for us to really walk in the reality of academic success, one of which I’m going to be speaking about in this article. The first thing I like to establish in your mind is that, academi...