Understanding the Power of Mindset (part 1)

U NDERSTANDING THE POWER OF MINDSET (Part 1) It is pertinent for you to understand, primarily among many other things, that your mindset goes a long way in determining the quality of the life you live. What is mindset? Mindset basically refers to the orientation and inclination of your mind. That is, it is what you think subconsciously. It is made up of your personal beliefs and convictions. It is also refers to the vista of your views about things. I have come to discover that what obtains in your life is greatly dependent on the kind of mindset you sustain. Your ideologies and philosophy is very much crucial to determining the outcome of your life. One thing many of us have not come to realize is that there is power in our mindset. Your mindset about things in life has power to determine what happens to you. Your mindset provides premise for whatever happens in your life. Every results in life (whether negative or positive) is facilitated by the orientation of ...