UNDERSTANDING THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION BY OLAKUNLE PAUL A writer and a prospective author Email: olakunleorimaye@gmail.com "A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth t hat each student must find for himself." Stated above was the content of the WhatsApp status of a friend of mine, which i came across. These words, having subjected them to rigorous thoughtfulness, and viewed them in the light of today's modern philosophy of education, really contains some truths (which I like to share) that might help to enhance the modern day student's orientation of education. For us, however to really understand the revelation communicated by those words, there is need for us to briefly look at what education is essentially about. From my own perspective, which I believe is worthy of consideration, education is more than just going to school to cram facts and figures, do series of assignments and undertake projects of a...