GETTING YOURSELF READY FOR DESTINY It is a fact: we all have great destinies and God has colorful futures for everyone of us. There is nobody in this life who is not destined to be great. We are not in this world just to fill up empty spaces. No! We are created for a purpose – which is contained in our destiny. However, many of us fail to walk in the realities of our destinies because of our lack of preparation. It is true that you have a great destiny but you have to work your way through to get it fulfilled; else, you will never realize it. In life we are not meant to be passive but active. You have to take responsibility for your life and work out your own future and destiny. Nothing in life happens by chance or by trials and errors. Everything happens by choice. Whatever choice you make is what determines the outcome of your life. Your destiny will never come to meet you; rather, you will be the one to work your way through and meet it. Like I said earlier, your ...