WHY ARE THE FIRST BECOMING THE LAST? The secret behind the gulf in the academic performance and the life performance of both A & C students. " ‘A’ students usually end up working for the ‘C' students", is a phrase whose acceptablity as an axiom, I am afraid, is gaining momentum. The veracity of this ironical claim is, no doubt, becoming established in people’s mindset. There exists quite a few practical evidences lending credibility to this anomaly, as it is clearly evident that more and more very bright ‘A’ students are being employed by owners of companies and organizations who happens to be ‘C'/average (as the school grading system describe them) students. But, why is this “the first shall become the last, and the last shall become the first (as illustrated by Jesus Christ) situation” becoming a norm? Just in case, you were also concerned like me, you might want to ask if there is something that the ‘A’ students are not getting? Could there be a sec...