You are a priceless jewel
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I like to open our understanding to the value of our life as human beings. Of all the creatures of God, human being is the most resourceful and resilient ; fully loaded with myriads of potentials, creatively entrenched into every fibres of our instinct - our default setting. You are not just on this earth make numbers; no! You are here because you have a critical and unique role to play.
Your life is not to be wasted but to be maximally utilized to serve humanity. Until, your mental faculty is opened to this understanding, you will never come to the full understanding of your God - given capabilities needed to fulfil your God - given purpose. Until you come to term with the fact that every fibre of your being is preciously loaded with invaluable potentials, you may never realize how significant you are to your world.
The highly successful people, whose great achievements are objects of admiration today, are those who realized how precious and invaluable they are. They refused to be confined within the cage of mediocrity. Rather, they took pro active steps to unlock the treasures within them. And, today, they are making immense contribution to human existence. They are those who discovered the value of their divine make up, and their unique area of calling in life
Many are on this planet earth without even realizing why they are here. They daily waste their life on the alter of sociality. You need to ask yourself :
*how are my adding value to my world?*
*how effectively am I spending my life?*
*what is my unique contribution to the world?*
Unless, you find answers to these questions, you may never realize how valuable you are. Listen, *if you are not needed, you would not be created* so your creation is to serve a purpose, which you must discover, in order to fulfil your destiny. The most fulfilling life is a life that is purpose driven, destiny minded and God conscious. Success in life is not measured by the amount of wealth you amass for yourself, but by the wealth of contributions you are making to the world.
Many of our highly esteemed, respected fathers in the faith are not celebrated because of their net worth but their life worth. So it's not about how rich your purse is; it's about how rich your life is, and the visible impacts you are making to the world.
However, the most effective key to unlocking the treasures embedded in your configuration is to have the life of Christ - be born again. A born again child of God potentially has the seed of greatness inherent in him. You need the life of Christ to manifest on earth, and reign in heaven.
The Bible, in Rom. 8:19, affirms that _"the earnest expectation of creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God"_. This, simply, suggests that: your generation is earnestly waiting for your manifestation, and if you must manifest in your generation, you have to be a *SON OF GOD*. That automatically qualifies you for manifestation! The truth is that: the most valueless life (though might be earthly relevant) is a Christ-less life. Therefore, to walk in the reality of your values and potentials in the world, Christ is not just an option, but a necessity.
Remember, Peter was known to be a professional fisherman, but he was actually designed to be a Fisher of man - a discovery which he later made when he met Christ. The people were seeing him as a Fisherman; even he, himself, was seeing himself as a fisherman; but Jesus looked at him and saw *A FISHER OF MAN*. I want to tell you that what you are now is not all there is to your life; There's more to it than you can ever envisage in your wildest imagination.
You never realize what your life can produce unless you discover your purpose and what you are meant to do
Say this to yourself : I AM TOO PRECIOUS TO BE WASTED!! But wait, before you assimilate that, what are you doing with your life? Are you wasting it or investing it? Hope you are spending your time doing all kinds of irrelevant things that are of no advantage to your future? It's high time you sat down and think deeply of how best you can make use of your life to benefit humanity in one way or the other. Instead of you playing away your life with play boys and play girls, take time to secure your colorful destiny. Nothing happens by chance. You work for it, and determine what happens.
"shallow men think of luck, but great men think of cause and effect", said bishop oyedepo. You need serious approach to bring out your value; you also need adequate investment into your today to secure a better tomorrow !
Let it sink into your consciousness that YOU ARE A PRICELESS JEWEL. NEVER WASTE YOUR LIFE!
I like to open our understanding to the value of our life as human beings. Of all the creatures of God, human being is the most resourceful and resilient ; fully loaded with myriads of potentials, creatively entrenched into every fibres of our instinct - our default setting. You are not just on this earth make numbers; no! You are here because you have a critical and unique role to play.
Your life is not to be wasted but to be maximally utilized to serve humanity. Until, your mental faculty is opened to this understanding, you will never come to the full understanding of your God - given capabilities needed to fulfil your God - given purpose. Until you come to term with the fact that every fibre of your being is preciously loaded with invaluable potentials, you may never realize how significant you are to your world.
The highly successful people, whose great achievements are objects of admiration today, are those who realized how precious and invaluable they are. They refused to be confined within the cage of mediocrity. Rather, they took pro active steps to unlock the treasures within them. And, today, they are making immense contribution to human existence. They are those who discovered the value of their divine make up, and their unique area of calling in life
Many are on this planet earth without even realizing why they are here. They daily waste their life on the alter of sociality. You need to ask yourself :
*how are my adding value to my world?*
*how effectively am I spending my life?*
*what is my unique contribution to the world?*
Unless, you find answers to these questions, you may never realize how valuable you are. Listen, *if you are not needed, you would not be created* so your creation is to serve a purpose, which you must discover, in order to fulfil your destiny. The most fulfilling life is a life that is purpose driven, destiny minded and God conscious. Success in life is not measured by the amount of wealth you amass for yourself, but by the wealth of contributions you are making to the world.
Many of our highly esteemed, respected fathers in the faith are not celebrated because of their net worth but their life worth. So it's not about how rich your purse is; it's about how rich your life is, and the visible impacts you are making to the world.
However, the most effective key to unlocking the treasures embedded in your configuration is to have the life of Christ - be born again. A born again child of God potentially has the seed of greatness inherent in him. You need the life of Christ to manifest on earth, and reign in heaven.
The Bible, in Rom. 8:19, affirms that _"the earnest expectation of creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God"_. This, simply, suggests that: your generation is earnestly waiting for your manifestation, and if you must manifest in your generation, you have to be a *SON OF GOD*. That automatically qualifies you for manifestation! The truth is that: the most valueless life (though might be earthly relevant) is a Christ-less life. Therefore, to walk in the reality of your values and potentials in the world, Christ is not just an option, but a necessity.
Remember, Peter was known to be a professional fisherman, but he was actually designed to be a Fisher of man - a discovery which he later made when he met Christ. The people were seeing him as a Fisherman; even he, himself, was seeing himself as a fisherman; but Jesus looked at him and saw *A FISHER OF MAN*. I want to tell you that what you are now is not all there is to your life; There's more to it than you can ever envisage in your wildest imagination.
You never realize what your life can produce unless you discover your purpose and what you are meant to do
Say this to yourself : I AM TOO PRECIOUS TO BE WASTED!! But wait, before you assimilate that, what are you doing with your life? Are you wasting it or investing it? Hope you are spending your time doing all kinds of irrelevant things that are of no advantage to your future? It's high time you sat down and think deeply of how best you can make use of your life to benefit humanity in one way or the other. Instead of you playing away your life with play boys and play girls, take time to secure your colorful destiny. Nothing happens by chance. You work for it, and determine what happens.
"shallow men think of luck, but great men think of cause and effect", said bishop oyedepo. You need serious approach to bring out your value; you also need adequate investment into your today to secure a better tomorrow !
Let it sink into your consciousness that YOU ARE A PRICELESS JEWEL. NEVER WASTE YOUR LIFE!
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