It is a fact: we all have great destinies and God has colorful futures for everyone of us. There is nobody in this life who is not destined to be great. We are not in this world just to fill up empty spaces. No! We are created for a purpose – which is contained in our destiny. However, many of us fail to walk in the realities of our destinies because of our lack of preparation. It is true that you have a great destiny but you have to work your way through to get it fulfilled; else, you will never realize it. In life we are not meant to be passive but active. You have to take responsibility for your life and work out your own future and destiny. Nothing in life happens by chance or by trials and errors. Everything happens by choice. Whatever choice you make is what determines the outcome of your life. Your destiny will never come to meet you; rather, you will be the one to work your way through and meet it. Like I said earlier, your destiny is so great and marvelous but you may never walk in the realities of it if you don’t take the necessary steps and get yourself adequately prepared.
How many opportunities and privileges have been lost as a result of lack of preparation. Many people have unconsciously walked into where their destinies would have come to limelight, but their appearance was never even noticed due to the fact that they lacked the necessary preparation needed for them to grab the opportunities and fulfil their destinies. Those opportunities will elude them, and all they would resort to is blaming others for their misfortune; rather than taking responsibility for their failures and getting themselves adequately prepared for another one. Those who have made – and are still making – it in life are those who took responsibility for their lives. Success did not just come to meet them. No! They worked and walked into it. They paid the prize before they got the prize. They invested sacrificially into their futures before they started harvesting bountifully from it.
Don’t ever think that fulfilling your destiny or making it in life is all about luck. If you are still living in that bondage of illusion and self deception, you had better come out now and face the reality of life. Someone wisely observed, “luck is when opportunities meet preparation ”. Yes That’s the fact! When God brings some opportunities to your way and those opportunities meet you adequately prepared, and you maximize them, people tend to resort to saying “he is just lucky”. They never knew that you had earlier prepared yourself for what has now come to manifestation. They only see the manifestation, but they never think of the preparation. Listen, you cannot achieve greatness, in life, without readiness. For you to fulfil your destiny in life, you have to make yourself ready for it by doing the needful. As a matter of fact, your future unfolds every day, but it takes your preparation and sensitivity to maximize each day. If you think that First Class student in your class is lucky, ask him and he will tell you how sacrificially he is investing into his studies. Oh, maybe you think those great men of God are just lucky, instead of you sitting down and passing comments from your house, just try and find out how much they are investing into their spiritual life. They are fulfilling their destinies because they made themselves ready for it.
Destiny is calling unto you but you have to answer the call by taking steps towards going to meet it. If you really believe that you have a great destiny awaiting you, then get yourself ready for it. You hope to be academically excellent, then invest tirelessly into studying. You want to be a renowned writer, begin to practice with small articles and write ups. Maybe, you hope to be a world musician/singer, begin to compose and record songs. Whatever calling you have on your life, get yourself ready to bring it to fruition. A story was told of by Harvey Mackay of a professor who was to conduct the final examination for his students. Having made them to realize that he knew the stress they would have gone through in preparing for the exams, he offered to grant an automatic B to anyone who opts to skip taking the exams. Of course, a great number of the students jumped up in excitation from their desks, thanking their professor for the lifeline he had thrown them. But, one student decided to write the exam. He didn’t stand up to accept the offer. The question paper was handed over to him and what he saw was just two sentences which read, “congratulations, you have just received an A in this course. Keep believing in yourself. The opportunity came and met him prepared. If he had not prepared enough, he would have stood up together with his colleagues.
Many destinies are being unfulfilled because their owners were not prepared. You can become whatever you want to become in life if only you can be greatly determined and prepared. Begin to plan your life and take the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to get the best out of yourself life. If you must get the best, get yourself prepared for nothing but the best.
Remember, however, that the first step you need to take in fulfilling your destiny is establishing a relationship with the one who can help you and guide you into your destiny – Jesus Christ. You are nothing without him. He created you and, therefore, he knows everything about you. You can hardly achieve anything without him. He is the greatest determining factor in the affairs of your life. Even if you have everything in this life, but you don't have a relationship with Christ, your life is nothing but a waste. If you don't have any relationship with through Christ, it's high time you had one now! For he only can guide you into the fulfillment of your destiny. Here what he says, "....i am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” – John. 8:12. If you don't walk in darkness in life regarding your destiny, following Jesus is not an option but a necessity.
May you fulfil your destiny in Jesus name!!!
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