Understanding your life's assignment
One of the truths we need to understand in life is the fact that we are on earth for some purposes which God, our creator, had planned even before we were conceived. You came to this earth because there was a need for you to come. Your conception in your mothers womb was successful because it was God’s intention in the first place. If God had not been involved, your birth wouldn’t have been possible. Don’t ever think you are a mistake. You are not! You are here for a life assignment. It is a life assignment because it makes up the essence of your existence. You need to come to the understanding of the fact that you have an assignment to carry out in this life if you want to fulfil your destiny. This is an assignment which no other person can carry out. Only you can do it! You are uniquely created for it, and, so if you did not do it, nobody else will. You are sent for someone and for something. There is something absolutely objective to which God has assigned you to come and do. Discovering it is the only key to living a life of fulfillment.It is very sad and highly disheartening to note, today, that there are many people who are walking the surface of the earth without a clear understanding of what they have been sent to come and do. So many people are very much ignorant of what the essence of life is. We all crave for happiness, joy, greatness, success, and fulfilment in life. We spend the whole of our lives looking for these things. It is a fact that our lives are in one way or the other been driven by the urge to have all these things – happiness, joy and fulfilment. However, what we are looking for is nothing lost at all. It is right within every fibers of our being. You can hardly have these things without fulfilling your life assignment. Your assignment is the main essence of your existence, as said earlier. It gives meaning and definition to your life. It is what brought you to this world in the first place. But, isn’t it surprising to realize that we often forget to discover the reason why we are in this vast, complex and wonderful planet. We rather, get ourselves so much busy and carried by the things in life forgetting the main essence of our lives. So many lives and destinies are being wasted today due to lack of proper understanding about their life assignment. What a pity! How wonderful would it be if everyone of us could just understand that we are here for some specific assignments which we must live the whole of our lives for. I pray God opens our eyes.
When, I flip through the pages of the scriptures, reading about great and powerful men and women of God whom God has used mightily for, I discover that these are people who did not just walk the surface of the earth. They realized they came for a purpose, and they took their time to discover it. They all had one assignment or the other to carry out in there own days. And, as a matter of fact, their names today are written in the scriptures because they fulfilled their assignment – some not successful though. But yet we still have them for a lesson. If they had not discovered and worked towards the fulfillment of their God-given assignment, they wouldn’t have had their names forever remembered. The 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews has quite a lot to tell us about them and the exploits they did in their generation. When I read about the generals of God who, after the early disciples and believers of Christ, also came to shake the world for Jesus, I often wonder what could have happened if they did not fulfill their assignment for which they came, and for which their names are remembered in the church history. Take a look at someone like Martin Luther – the great reformer. He single handedly led the reformation which gave birth to Protestantism – a movement from which today’s contemporary Christianity originates. He discovered his assignment in life, and he lived for it. Today, he is one of God’s great generals ever lived. What about people like John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Kathryn Kumar, and the great evangelist who recently joined the team – Billy Graham. They all lived for God’s purpose in their generation. They understood their assignment and lived to fulfil it. I pray you understand and fulfil yours in Jesus name.
The man, Daniel, is a typical example of one who understood his assignment in life. He said in the book of Dan. 9:2,
“I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolation of Jerusalem”.
Daniel clearly understood what the Lord had said concerning his people – the jews – from the mouth of the prophet Elijah. He stood in the gap of intercession for his people. If he had not understood what he was sent to do with regards to making intercession for his people, who else could have filled the gap for them. Do you know that your assignment in life has much effect on the progress and success of others. Failure to fulfil yours might lead to the failure of those people in life. It is true that we all have our lives to live. However, we are still by destiny connected to one another in one way or the other. Your generation is waiting for your manifestation, but that can never be realized without you understanding your assignment in life.
It is your assignment that makes you unique because you are the only one created to carry it out. If you are not needed in life, you wouldn’t have been created at all. But now that you are in the world, you have a very critical role to play. God is counting on you to fulfil your assignment in life. This is what makes you relevant and significant. Success, joy and happiness in life comes only from God through the fulfillment of your life assignment. It is my prayer that God almighty will enable you to discover yourself and start fulfilling your life in Jesus name.
If you must discover and fulfil your assignment in life, you have to be in a relationship with God. He knows you and everything about you. After all, he is your creator, and the one who sent you on the assignment. Without him, you are essentially nothing. That’s just the fact. So, the first step you will need to take is to enter into relationship with God through his son, Jesus Christ. Surrender your life to Christ. Let him be the Lord and Saviour of your life. Listen, this is not a religious matter. I’m telling you, it is the real matter. You have to give your life to Christ, and allow him into your life to guide and direct your ways in life. He is the way, and the only one who can show you the way to the fulfillment of your destiny. Receive his free gift of salvation, which is the only genuine way through which you can get into a relationship with God.
2. Studying God’s word
Another thing is that, you have to – having given your life to Christ – go into extensive and intensive study of his word. The word of God contains the mind and the plan of God for your life. It is in God’s word that you get to know more of God, and more about yourself. Every information God has for you with regards to your life assignment is embedded in his word. When you read and study God’s word with proper guidance from the spirit of God, you will understand your assignment. Remember, Daniel said he understood by books. What he understood by books had been well documented in the scriptures through prophet Jeremiah. Those books were just like help or guides to the real thing which is the word of God. Books also can be very helpful in helping you to discover the assignment God has given you through God’s word. With every sense of utmost humility, what I am today, and what I have discovered – with regards to my purpose and assignment in life – is a product of God’s word and books. When it comes to reading relevant books and some other materials, I don’t joke with them. And they have been greatly beneficial and resourceful to me personally. What I’m saying in essence is that God’s word contains the essence of your life. Study it, and you, through the help of the Holy Spirit, Will understand your life assignment.
3. Prayer:
Prayer, as we know, is a way of communicating with God. In prayer, you become more intimate with God, as you speak to him and he, as well, speaks to you. Prayer is very much indispensable if you must understand your assignment in life. The Bible says, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not”
– Jeremiah 33:3. He has promised to show you great and mighty things which you do not know about your future and your assignment in life. But you have to call upon him in prayers. And when you do that, he will surely help you to understand your life assignment. He is even more than willing to show you, as he has said. So, yours is just to call upon him in humility, and he will show it to you. These and some other steps are what you basically need to take in order to find answers to the questions of your life assignment.
Your assignment is very much critical to your life because it is the reason why you are created. Locate it in order to fulfil your destiny. A man without an assignment is a man without a mission; a man without a mission is a man without a vision; and a man without a vision is a man without a destination. Your assignment is your life.
God bless you.
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