However, God has given to us the power with which we can decide our destinies. It is the power of decision, which can otherwise be referred to as the power of choice. Decisions are so critical that they determine what ultimately becomes of one in life. This is one thing I like you to understand: your destiny is not something that is completely exclusive on its own. Your destiny is inherent in you. Your destiny is not what you will find outside of you. It is right there within you. God has creatively designed what you are destined to be inside of you at creation. So, the sole responsibility of you fulfilling your destiny is not God’s but yours. And one of the things that will make you bring out from you, the destiny which God has planned, is your decision.
Looking at the creation of man, we see that God, after the creation of man, gave man an instruction.
“ And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” – Gen. 2:16-17.
This was the instruction given by God to Adam. His life was to be determined by his choice. If he chose to go against the instruction – which he did – he would die. And, if he chose not, he would live. His destiny was totally based on his decision. His decision, however, to go against the instruction later brought calamity, not only on himself, but upon the whole of humanity.
What I’m trying to infer here is that whatever happens to you in life with regards to your destiny is determined by the decisions you take. What makes you is the choice you consciously or unconsciously make. As a matter of fact, you are what you are today as a result of the decision you took yesterday. And what you will be tomorrow will be a result of the decision you are taking now. Life, they say, is not a matter of chance but of choice. And when it comes to the fulfillment of one’s destiny, your choice is a strong determining factor.
Your destiny is purely your responsibility. If you sit down there idly waiting for the day your future will unfold and deliver to you, great and beautiful things which you have envisaged in your wildest imagination, you are merely swimming in an ocean of self deception. There is a critical role for you to play in the fulfillment of your destiny. God has given you all that is needed to fulfil destiny. He has given you a life to live, as a gift; what you, then, do with it is your gift to him.
These words are flowing from my heart through the ink of this pen in a bid to enlighten many whose lives and destinies are being wasted. I feel concerned when I see young men and women vibrant and full of fresh energy, wasting their beautiful lives and destinies. What they don’t know is that one’s life is a direct consequence of the decisions one take. Someone wisely observed, “you make your choice but the choice you make also make you”. That’s the fact! Whatever you chose to be is what becomes of your future.
Like I said earlier, your destiny has been wired in you by the almighty creator. However, the decision or the choice you make is what brings it into manifestation. Making quality decisions is the key to walking in the realities of your destiny. The fact is that nothing in life works unless you make it work. If you do not make things work in your life by taking good and quality decisions that are germane to your destiny, you may never get to your your God-ordained destination in life.
“Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” – John.10:17-18.
This was Jesus talking to his disciples. He laid down his life willingly and intentionally. Though, the redemption of man, which was what he came to the earth for, had long been written and prophesied in the scriptures, the fulfillment was still dependent on his choice to lay down his life. If he had not taken that bold decision, he would never have fulfilled his destiny. This is telling us that our destinies can – and will – not just come into fulfilment by themselves. We need to consciously and pro actively work towards fulfilling them. And this is done through making quality and destiny oriented choices and decisions. Tony Robinson said, "it is in your moment of decisions that your destiny is shaped”
So many destinies have been truncated due to nonchalance and carefree attitude. Some don’t care about their lives, they just live it anyhow, not realizing that their life is being spent and their time is running out.
In life, whatever you chose, you become. If you chose to live a life of meaning and significance, your life will sure be meaningful because that’s what you have chosen. Those who have fulfilled – and are still fulfilling – destinies are those who made life changing decisions about their lives. Your decision today is what makes you tomorrow. And either you like it or not, you daily make decisions.
May I at this juncture share briefly with you, the life of this great man of God pastor WF KUMUYI. This was a story which he himself shared in one of his messages:
He was not serious while in primary school and even when he got to secondary school up to the class before the last class. He was so much carefree and nonchalance that he never took his life serious. Even, while in secondary school, he was known to be notorious. However, one day, he sat down to reflect deeply upon his life. He looked at his life and discovered that his life was of no meaning, and was going down the drain. This made him to take a decision to have a life change. He took a critical decision to change his way of life, and that led him to being serious with his life. The decision changed the history of his life, and eventually ushered him into the realm of destiny fulfilment he is now. Today he is a renowned Bible scholar, a seasoned Bible teacher and an anointed minister of the gospel whose life and messages have been of tremendous blessing and impacts to many people – among which, I am prominent.
Decisions, as we have so far discussed, are very much crucial to one’s fulfilment of destiny. There was a man in the scriptures by name Jabez. It was said of him that he was born in sorrow.
“And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” –.1chro.4:9-10.
This man, who had long been living in sorrow suddenly came to the realization that he was not destined to be in sorrow. He refused and rejected the status quo, by taking a very critical decision of calling upon God – the one who can help him fulfil his destiny. Note that he never joked with his life just as some people do. He was very serious with it and he took a life changing decision which ushered him into walking in the reality of his destiny.
Beloved I want you to also understand the fact that the fulfilment of your destiny is greatly dependent on the quality of your decision and choices. The greatest decision, however, in fulfilling your destiny in life is the decision to follow Christ. That is the greatest decision you can ever make in your life. Jesus told peter, “follow me and I will make you Fisher of men”. If Peter had not responded to that call and followed him, he could have forfeited his destiny of being a Fisher of man, and died as an ordinary fisherman. But thank God, he heeded the call.
Will you also heed the call of salvation today? Do you have a relationship with God? Have you surrendered your life to him as your Lord and personal Savior? If NO, then you have to take that step now. That’s the greatest decision you can ever take in your life because it not only decides your destiny on earth, it also decides your eternal destiny.
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