" but we have this treasure in earthen vessel, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us - 2cor.4:7.

Looking critically at the above stated Bible verse, we discover that God, through apostle Paul  revealed something very much crucial and relevant to our lives. We are made to realize that our lives are full of treasures – potentials and possibilities –packaged into us by the creator of our lives.
A fact i like us to understand is that your existence here on earth is a function of  a purpose, planned by God, as part of his overall purpose. Your purpose is what determines the potentials – treasures – that God loaded into you. You are very much precious, relevant, indispensable  and valuable to the world because there are things in you which the world expect you to unleash. Like i always say, if you are not needed, you would not be created at all. Your existence is an evidence that there is something in you which the world and your generation needs.

"the earnest expectation of creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God" – Rom. 8:9
However, there is another thing you need to understand if you really want to unleash your potentials and fulfil your purpose in life. The most critical and fundamental factor, without which one's life is nothing but a waste, is the God factor. The fact is that there is absolutely nothing you can do without God. The subject of God with regards to unleashing your potentials and fulfilling your purpose cannot be overemphasized. This is not a religious matter; it is the real matter. You need to have a working and a cordial relationship with God, your creator. A life lived without God is nothing but a wasted life. Your relationship with God goes beyond the subject of religion; it is the basis upon which your life is evaluated by God. It determines your life on earth and eventually your eternal destination after life.
There has to be a point in your life where you will make a conscious decision to establish a relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ. The apostle whose words constitute the text of the scriptures we considered at the beginning of this write up, had a proper and a renewed understanding of his potentials and purpose when he had a relationship with God. His life was redefined at the point of his conversion, and he was immediately launched into the realm of Maximizing his potentials to the fulfillment of his purpose. It is at the point of conversion that your life get real definition.
Beloved, if you really want to unleash your God given potentials to the world, you need to be a SON of God; you must be born again. Look at the scriptures carefully again, “the earnest expectation of creature waiteth for the manifestation of the SONS – not just ordinary men – of God – Rom. 8:9 (paraphrased). There is a great need for you to first become a SON of God. That’s where the journey that will get you into releasing your potentials maximally starts. Without that point in your life, you are yet to start living, however much you have achieved. It is at the point of salvation that the treasures in you get activated, and ready to be utilized.
Have you surrendered your life to Christ? Do you have a relationship with God? Have you undergone the transformation of conversion? If NO, then you have to do them now! Get yourself connected with God and get your relationship established with him today.

Again, I like to tell you that  there are huge amount of potentials deposited in you regardless of your physical capabilities. Your potential is not a function of your credentials, and as a matter of fact, the only limitation on you is you. Do not focus on your physical limitations but on God's provisions. Your life is indeed very much valuable because you are loaded with treasures. Unleashing your potentials is instrumental to fulfilling your destiny.
Ponder on these words :

A life without God has no definition because your life actually is defined on the basis of your relationship with your creator.

The best time to start is now. You don't have forever to fulfil in life.

Life is all about discovering the “YOU” in you, and fulfilling the purpose for which the “YOU” in you is sent to this world.

You have just enough time to fulfil the purpose of God for your life - Rick Warren

There is a great need for you to rise up today and take responsibility for your life.

God bless you!!

© olakunle paul


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