VISION— An essential requirement for walking in the reality of your future
VISION — An Essential requirement for walking in the reality of your future
It is a fact of life that everyone one of us desires not only to have a great future, but also to walk in the reality of that future. This is very good — to be optimistic about the reality of one’s future — as it is necessary for the fulfillment of one’s destiny. And, interestingly, God has great and beautiful plans for everyone of us in respect to our futures. Hear what God says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord , thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” — Jeremiah 29:11. So, you see that God’s plans and program for your life is far more beautiful than what you can ever envisage in your wildest imagination.
However, we need to understand that one thing is very much required as regards the realization of your future and the fulfillment of your destiny; it is called vision. Yes, vision is the principle needed for you to actualize God’s plans and purpose for your life. What is this vision? Vision is simply having a picture of what your life entails. It is having the picture of your future in mind. Hear what the Bible says, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:” — Joel 2:28. It says the young men shall see visions. Who are the young men? Those with vitality and strength whose juvenility is still a reality to them. I mean, those who are still strong, vibrant, energetic and full of aspirations. The Bible says they shall see visions. Visions of what? Visions of their glorious futures! Without vision, one cannot fulfil destiny. As a young man and woman, you need to understand that vision is indispensably essential for you to succeed in life. Without vision, success in life is nothing but an illusion. No man can achieve anything worthwhile in life without understanding the power of vision. Walking in the reality of your future is a largely a function of your vision.
You see, God has plans for your life even before you were created. He has seen a need which only you can meet. And he has perfectly designed you to be able to function in the capacity of meeting that need. That need is your purpose in life. I like you to understand that no one is born without a purpose. It is your purpose that necessitated your existence. I said in one of my quotes, “your existence is for an essence; and that, if you are not needed, you would not be created”. This is the fact dear reader. Your purpose precedes your conception. So, your birth into this world was never a mistake; it was a function of your assignment — your purpose. This purpose is what your entire life is built around. Hear what Jesus Christ says, “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” — Luke. 12:15. Your does not consist in the abundance of what you possess — material prosperity. Rather, it consists in the purpose for which you are created. Your success in life, therefore, is not a function of the measure of your possessions — as some might erroneously suppose — it is the accomplishment of your purpose. Fulfilling your purpose is tantamount to fulfilling your destiny, and it is the only thing needed for you to get to where God has destined you to be in life. So, discovery of purpose is the fundamental requirement for the fulfillment of destiny. However, discovering one’s purpose is one thing, fulfilling that purpose, which is what brings one to the realization of one’s future and destiny, is another thing. Realizing God’s purpose for your life is a function of vision.
Vision Is what gives you a visual consciousness of God’s plan and purpose for your life. It is seeing your future and the entirety of your life in the eyes of your mind. You can’t walk into the reality of what you can’t see. For every outstanding achievement or attainment, there is a vision behind it. For every great invention, there is a conceived vision in the heart and mind of the inventor. The Wright brothers saw the picture of a flying metal object that can transport people from one place to another — a foremost advancement in the word of transportation and science at large. They had the vision before they made the invention. It was the vision they had in their heart that they acted upon to bring about what we know today as aircraft’s. They laid the foundation for the realization of air mode of transportation — the fastest means if transportation.
Dear reader, the significance and the power of vision in realizing your future and fulfilling your destiny cannot be overemphasized. Vision is what gives definition to every actions you take in life. Without vision, life is nothing but an illusion. It pains me to the hearts at times when I see young men and women, full of energy and strength, living a careless, useless, visionless, purposeless and a meaningless life. Some have gone into all kinds of evil and corrupt activities in the society. Many have been enticed into all kinds of occultic societies. Look at the rate of cultism on our campuses today. So many young ladies have destroyed their lives and sacrificed their futures on the alter of immorality, promiscuity and all kinds of sexual impurity. Even the guys are not left out. These are people whom God has designed great and beautiful plans and destinies for, but their failure to discover their purpose, and have a vision, has led them into all these evil vices. What a pity! “When there is no vision, the Bible says, the people perish”.
The devil, in his plans to destroy the lives of as many as he can, has robbed them of vision. May you never lack vision in Jesus name. I want to bless God for my life today. All that I’m doing in respect to the articles and the blogging, are not just for fun. They are predicated on the discovery of my purpose in life. You see, your actions in life and every step you take must be motivated by your purpose and tilted towards the fulfillment of your destiny. By God’s grace today, I’m a prospective author. I have drafted some books though yet to be published but I’m trusting God to get them published. Vision is what propels me day by day. Every areas of my life is built around the vision I have for my life on the basis of my purpose in life. Vision Is the key to making your life count.
Dear reader, I need to make your understand however that a life without Christ, no matter how rich, prosperous and lucrative it is, is a meaningless life that results into an hopeless end. Jesus Christ has given us hope of eternal life by coming to the world and going to the cross to die for our sins. He through his redemptive work at Calvary birthed us into a lively hope in God. He is the only way to establishing a relationship with God. And you know what? Without a relationship with God, fulfilling your destiny is more than impossible. God loves you far more than you can imagine. He wants you to come to him for in him alone is joy, satisfaction, success and the greatest of all, eternal life in heaven. Beloved, this is the greatest gift you can ever receive from God — the gift of salvation. For you to discover your purpose and have a vision, you need to be in Jesus. Look at the life of the twelve disciples of Christ. They were initially “a nonentity” but God turned them all into “a celebrity” their lives were so impactful that even the Pharisees and other religious leaders of the day marveled greatly at their sudden and surprising change of lives. They lived their lives for God, and got to heaven at last. This was due to the fact that they had a working, living relationship with the lover of their souls.
Beloved, you receiving Jesus into your life is not a religious matter; it is the real matter! If you are yet to come to Christ, he is calling you to come unto him. Give your life to Christ today. Come out of your sins and sinful living. Never give the devil a chance in your life. He is only interested in destroying your destiny and your glorious future. Come to the one who loved you and Gabe himself for you on the cross of Calvary — Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the only true lover of your soul. He turned my life around. He can also turn yours around today, if you come to him.
Your vision can be best be discovered in Jesus. Confess your sins forsake them, believe and trust the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for you. Believe him for forgiveness and the Salvation of your soul and begin to walk in newness of life. You will soon realize that fulfilling your destiny is more than a possibility.
Thank you and God bless you.
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