The key to getting the best out of the new year
It is a great privilege for you to live to see the end of this year. All thanks be to Almighty God the sustainer of life. As much as you desire to joyfully cross over into the new year (2019), there is need for you to understand what it takes for you to get the best out of the year. It is not just enough to cross over into the year, you must make up your mind to get the very best out of it. No matter how 2018 has been to you, you can have a change of story as you move to the next year. You can gain control and superiority over life circumstances if only you understand the necessary keys and secrets. The necessary keys are what I have tried to unveil in this article. I hope your eyes of understanding will be enlightened as you go through them.Bishop Oyedepo said and I quote, “there is no outstanding success without some discovered secrets”. If you see anyone excelling greatly today, such an individual must have had access to some secrets of success which you don’t know. Behind every thing that happens, they say, is a man making it happen. Nothing just happens on their own; we have to make them happen. So, if you want your life to take a new shape in this coming year, it all depends on you. If you will not hesitate to take responsibility for your progress, you will not find it difficult to have a change of story.
One thing you need to take cognizance of is that every year comes with its own problems and at the same time myriads of opportunities but it takes those who understand the secrets of success and greatness — those who are intentional about their life and purposeful in their living — to maximize the various opportunities. You can be the master of your life situations. Listen, you don’t need to pray for a better year; rather, pray and take steps towards making the year a better year for yourself. You don’t just pray for things to change. You rather take steps in making sure that things change. Prayer is an essential part of the steps though. So, I want to give you the tips that can make you get the best out of 2019. I have called them THE THREE P’S OF PROGRESS.
Understanding that life is spiritual will enable you to embrace the essence and significance of prayer. Prayer is the key to change things in the realm of the spirit. If you really want to breakthrough in life, dear reader, you must be a man/woman of prayer. What I’m telling you is a not religious; it’s the real thing. Prayer goes beyond a mere religious activity; it is the key to accessing God and commanding situations. Show me a man of prayer and I will show you a man who has gained control over his life
To get best out of 2019, you must be passionate about prayer. Be serious with God and never take prayer with levity. When you see a man of prayer, respect that man because he holds the key that can unlock all kinds of doors in life. If you really want something meaningful to happen in your life in 2019, then you must understand and begin to maximize the instrumentality of prayer. Prayer is a necessity for survival just like water. 3 days of sitting down with God in prayers can change your entire life my brother/sister. Nothing great and good comes cheap. No sir! You have to pay the price of waiting on God. You want to see your finances change for the better, travail in the place of prayer; your marriage seems not to be working, take it to the lord in prayers; your academics has not been encouraging, tarry with God in the place of prayer.
This coming year make prayer your lifestyle. Soak yourself in prayers, and you will be surprised at how your story will be changed.
"Ask the LORD to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out.” — Proverbs 16:3 GNB.That life is spiritual does not necessarily mean it is mystical. If you want a change of level, you don’t give a mystical approach to life; you must give a practical approach to it. That’s the only way to securing a glorious result. One very important thing needful for you to engage before you enter 2019 is purposeful and proper planning
“planning is winning, Just as breathing is living”, says bishop Oyedepo. Whatever you don’t plan for, you never achieve. You can’t get the best out of the year without serious and proper planning. Without plans, purpose is dead. I like you to sit down and begin to make plans for the year. What are the things you intend to achieve, make plans for them. And, in fact, write them plain on papers so that it may, “run he that readeth it”. Nothing glorious is achievable without plans. Wherever your mind has not gotten to in imaginative planning, I doubt if you will ever get there physically.
It is our plans that God blesses. A man who does not have plans for his life has no reason to live. You cannot afford to live life impulsively and expect to get something good out of it. No sir! I wonder at times how most of us spend so much time praying (yes, very good and laudable) but very little time planning. I mean, it doesn’t work that way! You think God is a magician? No, he is not. God works with those who are ready to take responsibility for their lives. It is your planning that will draw the hand of God into your situation.
Brother, you hope to take your fiancée to walk the aisles, have you prayed and planned? You want to venture into a business, how much plans have you made for it, and how clear and achievable are those plans? You would like to change your job, have you planned for it ? You hope to become outstandingly successful in your academics, what are your plans for that? Never make the mistake of entering into 2019 without adequate planning. With planning, your life will be carefully directed and ordered but without plans, you are going no where!
Having committed your life to passionate praying, and made proper and guided plans, then you must set out to accomplish them. I have come to discover that until you step out in faith to achieve whatever you intend to (as guided by the Holy Spirit through), you will never achieve it. Planning is beautiful. It gives you a blue print of where you are going to, but it is never an end in itself; it is a means to an end. As you have planned, you will then begin to make adequate and necessary investments towards pursuing those plans. Pursuit is what gives life to your plans. Without pursuit, your plans are as good as dead!Listen, don’t wait for the perfect time before you begin to do what is needful. There is no perfect time. The perfect time is now. Oh, you said, “how about the financial requirement? Won’t I have enough money before I set out to accomplish the plans?”. Yes you may be right, but getting money is not the problem; your unwillingness to start is. You can actually start in your own little way. It is as you progress in realizing those plans that you will begin to get enough resources. You can’t sit down idly and be expecting a miracle of money to happen. Friend, you can sit down like that for the whole year without ever achieving anything meaningful. When you are convinced of your purpose enough, and you believe so much in your vision, you will set out to accomplish it, money or no money. When God sees your readiness and seriousness, he will release the needed financial blessings on you.
But, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should go and venture into something too much for you to financially bear. No! That will be unwise of you. You must have settled those ones in planning. Faith is not foolishness my brother. You know you don’t have any hope of money, yet you want to go and borrow huge amount of money from the bank to start your business. No, that’s not faith. What I’m saying is that, instead of waiting for huge money to come just start where you are with the little you have and watch the business grow big. “you don’t grow big to manage well, you manage well to grow big”, says bishop oyedepo.
The scriptures says, “The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour” —Prov. 21:25. Don’t just sit down all day long desiring greatness. Get something doing and you will soon walk into greatness. You don’t sleep your way into success dear friend, you work your way into success. You want to get the best out of 2019, then cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, because everything rises and falls on prayer; make plans, don’t just imagine; and finally, begin to pursue the accomplishments of those plans. With God on your side, I tell you, your success is guaranteed!
2019 shall be the greatest and the most beautiful year of your life. You shall not be a candidate of failure but an element of distinction. Make your ways and your life right with God in 2019 and you will see God in everything in your life. Thanks and God bless.
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May the Lord water your garden..
ReplyDeleteAmen. Thanks so much for visiting. Hope were greatly inspired