When you carry a heavy sense of purpose, everything else in your life begins to have reasons and meaning 

A mission without a vision is nothing but an illusion 

Distinction results from an irrevocable determination to accomplish a vision 

You don’t find a man of vision everywhere, you find him somewhere. 

You don’t find a man of vision doing everything, you find him doing something.

When you commit your ways unto God, you commit God’s hands into your life 

If you are not living for God, I doubt if you are really fulfilling purpose 

A life without Christ is like a ship without a captain. 
You already know what will eventually become of the ship right? Christ is the only source of life and the only way to everlasting life.

Show me a man whose life is characterized by wise and Godly decisions and I will show you the man whose future is most guaranteed. 

Discovering your path in life and walking in it is not only the key to maximizing your life but also a prerequisite to  fulfilling your destiny.

Pro activity, creativity, taking responsibility, and God’s sovereignty is what makes your dreams, vision, plans and purpose a possibility.

  A life driven by Godly vision will never end in frustration but will eventually get to its glorious destination. The fruition of your vision is a function of your dedication and resolution to its realization.

 In life, When purpose is unknown and vision is not available ,frustration, then, becomes inevitable

One way to distinguish ambition from vision is that ambition focuses on interest (profit, money, returns, achievement, etc.), while vision focuses on influence (benefits and impacts on others).
 Following God's vision for your life, instead of your own selfish ambition, is more than a precondition for getting to your glorious destination.

If you are waiting for the perfect time to do the things you are supposed to do now, you will never get anything done.

Let your life be a blessing to others.

Your level of consecration to God determines the level of God’s expression in you.

The more you draw people up, the higher you go in life.

When you commit yourself to sowing into others lives, you make yourself a fertile ground for God to sow into. 

If you want a beautiful life, make yourself a product of God’s word. 

If you really want to live a successful life, you need to learn the principles of life from the creator of life.

Living your life for God is the best way to maximize your life.

Prosperity without Salvation is nothing but vanity.

Never allow your external conditions be a frustration to your internal vision. Your conditions are temporary but your vision remains with you.

The word of God is the best compass that can provide. direction for your life on earth.

A life without direction will end in frustration. 

Your life is a function of what you believe. 

A life without Christ is like a ship without a captain.

Dependence on God makes God to be constantly conscious of you.

Constant reliability on God makes you enjoy constant availability of God in all your life situations.

Show me a man whose life is characterized by wise and Godly decisions and I will show you the man whose future is most guaranteed. 

Your level of consecration to God determines the level of God's expression in you.

A life lived without God is nothing more than a wretched and a wasted life.

Having everything in life without Jesus is equivalent to having nothing

The best way to keep living after you are gone is to make great positive impacts in others lives –
True riches in life is not a function of the wealth accumulated here on earth but of the treasure deposited there in heaven.

Let everything you do as a new creature be directed towards glorifying Jesus

 How long you live is not as important as how much you live

 A luxurious life without fulfilling purpose is nothing but a penurious life

 If you are not focused, you will soon lose your locus

 A life that is controlled by the flesh, rather than the spirit, will end up in a mess

As long as the pipe continues to give out water, it will never be dry of water – when you are committed to blessing other people's lives, your life will never be dry of blessing

It is not the amount of money you possess that makes you rich,  but the amount of lives you positively influence

Your net worth may make you relevant as long as you live, but your life worth makes you relevant forever

The effectiveness of your spiritual life is a function of the quality of your quiet time

Absolute dependability on God is the key for maximum productivity in life

The discovery of your essence (purpose) is what gives meaning to your existence

Timely discovery of yourself is the key for maximum delivery in life

Until your purpose is clearly defined, you are yet to start living


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