“At the root of every failure is ignorance, and behind every true success is a fact known” Olakunle Orimaye Paul

And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, saying, if thou hadst known, even thou, at least in thy day, the thing which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes.” —Luke. 19:40—41.

Bayo: hey, Kingsley, what’s up, how was your result?

Kingsley: hmm… fine, I thank God (with a gloomy face).

Bayo: glory to God! Just checked mine. And to the glory of God, it was all excellent.

Kingsley : Wow! That’s good. You are a guru now so less is not expected of you.

Bayo: (smiles) it’s God’s grace o. But, Kingsley what’s wrong? Your face looks gloomy. This is not the Kingsley I used to know. C’mon what’s wrong?

Kingsley: Bayo, I must be sincere with you,  my results were averagely good actually, but I’m not happy with the result of one of the courses we took. You can’t believe,I failed TMT 512. I’m taking the course again next year.

Bayo: oh!My goodness. You don’t mean it?

Kingsley : I’m quite serious o. It’s really painful

Bayo: oh, really really painful. But how?

Kingsley : remember, I told you the day we wrote the paper that I couldn’t answer greater part of the questions.

Bayo: oh yeah.. That’s true. But why?

Kingsley: you are asking why? They were too difficult of course. Oh, they were not difficult for you anyways. So, you may not know how it feels.

Bayo: oh no Kingsley. You are getting me wrong. I actually feel your pain. But, I want to correct that statement of yours, “the questions were too difficult”. You see the truth is, THE EXAMINATION QUESTIONS WERE NOT DIFFICULT.

Kingsley : how were they not difficult Ehn? Okay, explain your argument.

Bayo: thanks God bless you. You see….

“you don’t fail an exam just because it is difficult; you fail because you don’t have the facts that can make for success.” — Bishop Oyedepo.

Beloved reader, one fundamental truth I’ve come to discover about life which I also aim to establish in your mind is that failure is not destiny, neither is success.  Many have erroneously thought that their background, upbringing, irresponsible parents, poverty, etc is what is responsible for their failure. People try to give all kinds of excuses just to justify their inability to succeed. But no matter how genuine an excuse is, it can never positively alter the result. Failure is not a result of your background, your course of study, your economic status, etc. History is replete with countless numbers of people who out of herculean challenges and poor backgrounds rose to become successful. We celebrate many of them today. Your success in life has nothing to do with your race, color and origin. in case you don't know,
Ben Carson was once a dullard.

Michael Faraday was just an ordinary worker in the laboratory.

Benjamin Franklin was an apprentice in a printing shop.

Thomas Edison was a news boy on trains.

John D Rockefeller started job at $6 per week.

Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin.

Julius Ceaser was epileptic.

Napoleon Hill once stood 46th in his class at the military academy.

Plato was a hunch back.

And, even the lord Jesus Christ - the savior of the world - was a carpenter by profession before he began his ministry

What then causes failure? Failure is a result of ignorance. Ignorance of what? Ignorance of the right answers to life’important questions. Everyone born into this world will pass through one or two challenges. So, challenges are never an excuse for failure. What makes a student to fail is not the difficulty of the questions; rather, it is the student’s inability to provide the necessary answers and facts to the questions of the examination. The difficulty of the exam questions as interpreted by the student is a function of his inability to provide the necessary facts.  In every exam, there’s a possibility of 100%(success) and there’s also a possibility of  0% (failure). Whatever the students get depends on their ability to provide the necessary facts to the questions asked. That’s what makes the difference between a successful student and one who fails. What I’m saying in essence is that, the examination questions are not difficult in themselves; their difficulty is subjective and not objective. That is, it is reflective of our inability to provide the adequate answers to them. Agreed, there are some questions that tend to defile all solutions. However, I still maintain the fact that when one who knows the answer faces the questions, they will not be difficult but very easy.

My dear reader, this is also applicable to life. In life, there’s success and there’s failure. No one is born to fail. We are born to decide our destinies. Your choices, decisions,  and the knowledge you have determines if you will fail or succeed. So, how informed you are (with the necessary facts) determines how successful you become. You see there are some crucial questions (just like an exam) you must answer in life if you must live a successful life here and after this life. How well informed you are in answering the questions determines your lot in life. And so, if that’s the case? What are the questions you mus answer in life adequately to live a fulfilled life and to fulfill God’s purpose for your life?


You see, my dear reader, you need to know God. It’s not a religious matter (I’ve always emphasized), it’s the real matter. The scriptures says, “they that do know their God shall be strong, and shall do exploits”. Dan. 11:32. This is a question you must answer affirmatively if you really want to fulfill destiny. Knowing God is the key to life. Life becomes useless if you don’t know God. Many think that by merely going to church or affiliating with one religious organization or the other is equivalent to their knowing God. No sir! There are many church goers even ministers who know nothing about the God they profess to have.
It’s good, I mean, very good to be educated, but I tell you, your education cannot make up for the consequence of not knowing God. Life is spiritual. If you must excel in this life, you have to be spiritually inclined by knowing God personally and experientially. Many today who profess to know God have their lifestyles contradicting what they claim to have.
The first step to take in knowing God is to give your life in total surrender to his son Jesus Christ. He came to this world to die for you because he loves you and does not want you to perish forever in hell. He has great plans for your life, and he wants to make a meaning out of your life. Brother/sister, if you realize that your ways and manner of life are not right with God, it’s better you amend your ways now. You don’t need to deceive yourself if you don’t know God or if you have wandered away from him. If you know you are still living in sins and unrighteousness why can’t just go to him and surrender yourself. He will save you. And, not only that, he will give you life and add meaning to your existence.
Having done that, then you need to begin to seek God. Only the God seekers can gain command over their destines in life. The psalmist says, “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.  My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?” — Psalms 42:1-2. He already had a relationship with God but he wanted to know more. Listen, if life asks you how much of God you know, what is going to be your response. Remember, only those that do know their God can do exploits in their generation. Please, I beseech you to pay the price to know God. Men don’t just fulfill destiny. You must know God.


This is a question that life will continually ask you as you grow up. Do you know that many people today are living a frustrated life, not really because of the devil, but because they don’t know who they are. This is a question of identity. If you cannot find answer to this, one’s life can be so much frustrating because life will continually demand answer from you. You must be able to identify yourself before the people of the world. Your relevance and significance in life is tied to the discovery of who you are. It’s a pity that many pass through life enduringly without knowing who they are. In fact, some have even attempted suicide because they feel life is meaningless. You must know who you are if you want to fulfill destiny.
Joseph was recommended to Pharaoh because they know who he was —he could interpret dreams. That was the basis of his recommendation which consequently led to his elevation to the throne. Jesus once asked his disciples, “who do men say I am?” none of them really knew whom Jesus was except Peter who responded, “thou art Christ, the son of the living God”. And that was it! He got it right. Please know who you are. You are not the same with everyone else. You are unique and different. Interestingly, your difference is what makes you relevant. And like a man of God said, “if you are not different, you are not needed”.
How then can you discover who you are? Firstly, you need to know where you are from. I’m not talking of your ethnic origin or nationality. No! I’m talking of your creative origin. You are from God! The creator of heaven and earth. He created you from himself with a mandate. What’s the mandate? To dominate and establish his kingdom here on earth. If you have given your life to him, you have become his child. You are a child of God. You possess in you the very life of God himself. And, with that, you can fulfill the purpose for which he has created you? How then can you successfully fulfill your mandate given by God? And how can you establish his kingdom here on earth? The next two questions will provide answer to that and will give you more enlightenment on your identity. You will get to discover who you really are.


“the greatest tragedy is not death. It is a life without purpose”, said Myles Munroe. Have you ever asked yourself why exactly you are here on earth? Or do you think you are just here to go to school, marry, give birth, get a job, retire and die? Life is more than that dear reader. Your purpose in life is greater than just to be existing. God created you for a specific reason. He wants you to fulfill a certain assignment on earth. He is not a water of resources. He would never have brought you into existence if he knew you were not needed. He saw a problem, and he created you to solve it. Identifying this problem is a great pointer to who you really are and why you are here. For instance, what I’m doing now is solving a problem. These destiny changing secrets as revealed to me by God, and which I’m sharing your with you is a kind of providing solutions to problems. Find the problem you are created to solve. You are not here just for the fun of it. No! You are here for an urgent reason. Your success in life is forever tied to the fulfillment of your purpose. It’s not about your money. Many have money but their lives have no meaning. What’s now the essence?

Please, pay the price to seek the face of God so that you can discover why you are here. The greatest discovery is not scientific discovery but the discovery of purpose. Your life, destiny and success is tied to it. It really pains me when I see young people like myself wasting away their precious lives. Many ladies have forfeited their glorious destinies on the alter of immorality. Men young men have lost their lives due to unguided crave for money and sex. Many have gone into various kinds of occult covenants. What a pity! If they really know who they are and why they are here, they won’t live to waste their lives like that. It’s my prayer that God will help you to be able to identify yourself and to discover your purpose. For more enlightenment on purpose discovery, you can read some other articles here on this site or kindly message me on whatsapp (08100624957).


This is a question of potentials. What do you have the ability to do? This is a very crucial question that life will ask you. “the gift of a man makes room for him”, says the Holy Scriptures. Your relevance and uplifting in life is tied to your contribution towards the betterment of humanity. What can you contribute to your generation ? What can people come to you for? These are the things that make some people extremely outstanding while others are dying in mediocrity. Look within yourself, what are those things you can do naturally. God has blessed each and everyone of us with one talent or the other. Discovering them is a vital key to knowing who you are. What you can do is what makes chance for you in the room of success. Remember, David was recommended to King Saul on the basis of what he could do — he could play harp.
Instead of just playing around or wasting your time, discover what you can do, and develop it. If you have found any skill or talent in your life, why can’t you take responsibility for it? Develop it and deploy it to the world.


This is question of destiny. Your identity, purpose and potentials determines your earthly destiny. But your relationship with God determines your after – life destiny. Where do you see yourself in the next 20 years if Jesus tarries? What do you see yourself become? This is the key to your destiny. Where you will be tomorrow depends on what you are doing today. Are you doing anything meaningful with your life? Have you discovered your purpose? Do you have any skill or talent which you are ready to develop and cultivate? How much are you investing in the building of your relationship with God? In fact, how much do you love God? These questions all determine where you will get to in life and where you are spending your eternity after life. If you don’t have a sound quality relationship with God, one’s destiny after life is terrible. It is an hell of suffering. But if your ways are right with God now, there is hope of heaven for you after this life.
Also, if you have known your purpose, and you already know who you are and what you can do, your success in this life is inevitable.

My dear reader, these and many other questions are what you will need to provide answers to if you must be successful here and eternally. Remember, it is those who like Kingsley, are ignorant of the facts necessary for these life questions, that will conclude that life is difficult. life is actually not difficult. That’s why I said, at the root of every failure there’s an ignorance, and behind every success, there’s a fact known. Do not be ignorant of the answers of life examination questions. Be informed. Know God. Study his word. Read good books to acquire quality information. Also, read articles like this because they prepare you for destiny. I pray you will not be a failure in life in Jesus name.

Kingskey: hmm… Bayo, thanks so much for your enlightenment. I’m so grateful.

Bayo: Thanks be to God kingsley. You are very much welcome.

Kingsley: thank you so much. Now, I know that EXAMINATION QUESTIONS ARE REALLY NOT DIFFICULT Just that I was ignorant of the answers. Now, I chose to go for relevant knowledge and quality information.



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