Living for an "IT": The key to making your life count
LIVING FOR AN "IT" : The key to making your life count
“When Jesus therefore
had received the vinegar, he said, it is finished:
and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”
This is one of the most important part of the
scriptures. In this scripture, there’s a statement made by Jesus Christ when he
was about to die. This statement, to me, is the most important statement in the
whole of the scriptures because of its significance. This statement makes a very strong difference
in the history of humanity, and a strong marker in the program of God. It is finished . Notice that, Jesus didn’t
say, I am finished. Rather, he said, it is finished. We need to pay very
close attention to this statement because contained therein is a powerful lesson
for us.
There is no question about the fact that Jesus lived
a fulfilled life while he walked the face of the earth. He lived to make greet
impacts on the sands of time. The impact of his living is the reason why anyone who believes in him will not perish
but have everlasting life. The sum
total of his life is wrapped up in that statement he made as he was about to
die. May you live a life that will count not only here on this world but also
in eternity.
The first thing I like us to take cognizance of is
that, Jesus made this statement when he was about to die. Prior to this time,
he never had the reason to say something of such Why? Because it wasn’t
yet finished. Secondly, immediately he uttered the statement, he gave up the ghost that is, he died. Note
that, prior to this time, he had suffered great and excruciating humiliation.
He had so much been beaten, and in fact he already lost so much of his blood at
this time — a justifiable reason
for him to have given up the ghost biologically speaking — but he was still alive. A spear was
thrust into his side, and of course that led to him loosing a greater
percentage of the remaining blood and water in his body. Yet, he never died! He
was still alive. The pain from the crown of thorns worn on him cannot be
overemphasized; the pain of the nailed hands and feet were much on him yet he never still died. Jesus died
immediately he uttered the statement it
is finished. That means, now that 'IT' is finished, there’s no more reason for him to be alive; he had to leave. Why?
Because 'IT' is finished. What actually
led to the death of Jesus wasn’t necessarily because of the sufferings he had gone
through —
of course they facilitated it — but because 'IT' is finished. He said it himself. And it was after he said it that
he died.
Now what did he mean by saying it is finished . What he meant in essence is that, the purpose why
he had come to this earth now had been fulfilled, and the assignment had been
completed — at least to a
considerable extent because he thereafter still continued in Hades, before he
now eventually rose up the third day, and went back to heaven.
What I’m trying to say in essence is that
Jesus did not die because HE, as a person, was finished but because, IT, his
purpose, was completed. There were many occasions when
Jesus could have been killed but never was he. why? Because, the only thing that that had the
power to make him leave this earth is the fulfillment of his purpose. It was
his purpose — which of course was to
save mankind from sinfulness and reconcile us back to God — that defined his life. He lived to
fulfill it, and then he died, rose up again and went back to heaven.
You have lived for quite some number of years now, what exactly have
you been living for? Life is meaningful to the degree to which you are able to
accomplish that for which you were created. God Your creator is not a waster of resources, and of course he
is a God of purpose. He would never have
brought you into existence if there wasn’t any need for it in the first place. As a matter of
fact, he saw your need (your purpose) before he created you. He created you
because there was a need to be met; an assignment to be carried out; a plan to
achieve, and a purpose to accomplish. However you came into this world doesn’t
matter; what matters is that you are here. Live to make it count. How?
It’s pity that many are existing but they are
actually not living. You start living the day you know why you were born. Your
existence on earth is not what matters to God; what matters is that you discover
what brought you here, and you take responsibility to get it accomplished. Dear
reader, why are you here? This is where real living starts from. You have been crossing over from year to another how much have you made the most of
those years How long you have lived before now doesn’t move God, and doesn’t
even make a mark in time; what matters is how much you have lived since you
were born, and your living is meaningful to the degree to which you have lived
to fulfill your purpose. But how can you fulfill what you have not discovered. Take
responsibility to discover your purse in life. To discover why you exist, all
it takes is to go back to your creator, and make your ways right with him. His
Son Jesus Christ the Savior has paved the way open for everyone of us to come, if only you will believe in him, and accept his sacrifice on the cross
which he made for your salvation. That’s the first step to understanding the
reason for your existence. Having reconnected back to your creator, you need to know his word, This, you will achieve by digging the word of God, as contained
in the Holy Scriptures. His word contains his mind,
plan, and Purpose. In it, you will get to know God more, and know
his purpose for your life. In it, he will speak to you concerning what he has
sent you to come and accomplish here. Then, prayer is another indispensable requirement. Prayer is a
means of communicating with your Heavenly Father. And, it is through
communication with him consistently that you can assess his mind concerning his
will and plan for your life. For more steps you
night need to take, you can read some of my other articles on this site.
2. Take
It’s not enough that you discover your purpose in life. You must take responsibility to bring it to fulfillment. A man who doesn’t take
responsibility for his life will no doubt end up becoming a liability in life.
What are you responsible for? Jesus was responsible for something — IT (his purpose), and when that IT, was
finished, he left. When you study the life of Jesus, you will get to realize
that it wasn’t conventional. His life was quite different from that of the
normal man. His schedules were so tight that there were no rooms for
unnecessary and irrelevant things. He was so serious about his life to the end
that he might fulfill his purpose, and reconcile man back to his creator. What a
life! His unusual and unconventional lifestyle was due to his purpose that he
passionately aimed to fulfill. If you still find it comfortable to live your
life like everyone else does; giving yourself for whatever goes; doing what everyone else does. It is an evidence that you are yet to take responsibility for the
fulfillment of your purpose. Show me a man who really wants to live a life that
counts, and I will show you a man whose lifestyle will be different from the rest.
Taking responsibility is the key to living a life that counts for the now and
eternity. It is the way to outstanding accomplishment.
My question to you dear reader is this, what is your
drive over day? What wakes you up each time you wake up from sleep? What
motivates your actions, behavior, attitudes and conduct? What is that makes
your living meaningful and really worth it? What is your own IT
that you are living for?
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