21/21: understanding the key to relevance in this age and time.

21/21 Understanding the key to relevance in this age and time Blessed be the Almighty God for granting us the privilege of being alive to see the new year, 2021. There is no doubt that the just concluded year was, on a general note, charactized by quite a lot of hitches. The debilitating effects of the pandemic cannot be overemphasized. It is indeed an act of God’s mercy that we are counted worthy to scale through into the new year. However, as much as we are joyfully celebrating our successful cross over into the year, 2021, it is very important for us to understand what it takes to make the most of the year. We have just entered into the 21st year of the 21st century; this, we must take cognizance of not only for its informatory relevance, but also how long it will go in helping us to make the most of it. A century, as we know, is a period that spans 100 years. I like us to realize that every century unfolds with certain realities in terms of development, civi...