Starting where you are

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  "And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock:  And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him."
1 Samuel 17:34‭-‬35 KJV

These were the words of one of the greatest leaders in the history of humanity, a prominent  prophet, singer and a highly respected king in the then Israel. He made this statement while he was preparing to enter into a great combat with the then giant warrior - the man Goliath. There's no question about the fact that we are all familiar with the story.
While he was being questioned by King Saul as to whether he had the required military skills with which he could face the highly experienced, shrewd and versatile Goliath, he responded by stating the little achievements he had erstwhile made while he was busy keeping the flock of his father in the bush. He had something, as evidence, to express his readiness and ability to fight Goliath. You all know what later became of the enemy - Goliath -  after the combat.

There's a very great lesson God wants us to learn from this. David started by fighting lions and bears in the bush, not knowing that he was preparing himself for the greater task to which he would be responsible. It was his private preparations in the bush that provoked his public manifestation with Goliath.

Many of us actually desire great things for our life. We want to be great, mighty, influential, relevant and successful. Yes!  All these things are good, but do you know that they all come with a price. We so much focus out attention on the prize that we forget the price to be paid. You can't achieve all these things without getting yourself ready for them through preparations.

 You can never achieve greatness without readiness.
You have to make yourself ready by starting where you are and getting yourself prepared.

Listen, the truth is that for you to get there, you have to start here.  "the journey of a thousand miles, they say, start with a step" if you really want to fulfil your destiny, you have to start somewhere. The greatest force you'll need to overcome is the force of starting. Once you can start, you are on your way to fulfil destiny. The problem with many of us is that we would never start. We rather waste out time complaining of not having enough, instead of using that which we have. Like someone wisely observed, "it's not what you don't have that limit us, but what you have that you don't use"

What you are doing here determines what becomes of you there. David did not just become great, no!  He prepared himself for it, while he was in the bush. He started in the pasture leading sheep, but ended in the palace leading people. How adequately prepared are you towards  your destiny ? How much of your time and resources are you investing into securing a glorious future ? We pray, fast and engage in all kinds of spiritual exercise, but we would never take steps to prepare ourselves by doing the needful. Yes, taking serious spiritual approach - prayers, fastings, etc - is pivotal to your success in life, but you will hardly achieve anything if you don't get yourself prepared for it. Wisdom demands that you  engage in arduous preparations towards whatever you might be aspiring for. Even God does not work with those who are not serious about their life; rather, he works with those who are seriously taking their life serious.

Though David, had never in his life, found himself on the battle ground that required him to confront someone as valiant as Goliath, he never left his martial prowess untouched or underutilized. He was rather maximizing it fighting with lions and bears. He never knew that those practices of his would later be needed in a real battle, not with a lion, bear or an ordinary man like himself, but one of the greatest giants of his generation. How many times have we missed various opportunities that could have brought our lives to limelight, as a result of our careless, nonchalant and "never trying" attitude.

You think you can just achieve everything without starting with something. NO SIR!.  You have to do the needful. Start with what you have where you are. You may not really have everything. You don't need to have everything before you start doing what you are supposed to do. In fact, you can't even have everything. You will need to start with something.

Start somewhere, begin to do something about your life and you will see God helping you. Enough of these complaints of yours! You want to be a great singer, then start practicing by composing and recording songs on your phone; you feel the calling of God upon your life, then start doing something about it. Those periods you waste can actually be channelled into periods of investments into your future. You never know the height to which God is taking you.
If you keep focusing your attention on what you don't have, you stand the risk of losing what you have. It's the utilization of what you possess that  brings the realization of what you lack.

Be proactive. Never be lazy and passive, waiting for things to happen. The truth is that things will never happen unless you make them happen. Read, study, learn and above all pray "you need a serious approach to secure a glorious result", says bishop oyedepo. Big things do not just come big. They come in successive small amounts. Hence, the Need for you to be very sensitive and proactive so that opportunities will not elude you.
If you are waiting till you have everything before you start something, I'm afraid, you may wait till you die. Now is the best time to start doing something about your life. You need adequate investment into your "here" in order to secure your glorious, wonderful and ever desired "there".

God bless you



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