One of the — if not the most — critical areas of one’s life that is of critical relevance to one’s destiny is nothing but relationship — marriage relationship. It is so critical that it greatly determines the outcome of one’s life. The significance of a relationship to one’s life cannot be overemphasized. It is a defining factor to the fulfillment of one’s destiny.

It is on this note that I like to share with you, the absolute criticality of a relationship to your destiny. It is an undeniable fact that one of the areas where many people miss it in life is in the stage of choosing a life partner. So many destinies have been truncated, and, also so many lives have been destroyed on the alter of wrong marriage relationship. This is a stage where absolute patience and prudence is needed for one to really succeed in it. A greater percentage of your life is anchored upon your relationship. It goes beyond being mere partners; it has to do with being destiny partners. The Bible contains some examples of great men who could utterly failed to fulfil God’s plan for their lives as a result of a wrong marriage relationship. In fact, considering the case of Samson alone — a man in whose custodian lay the destiny of an entire nation — one does not need the towering intelligence of an Harvard graduate to understand how critical relationship is to the fulfillment of one’s destiny. What about Solomon, the then richest and wisest king in Israel? Didn’t he also fail at the end of his reign as king? Of course he did. Why? Because of the divers kinds of relationship he entered into with many women. Not even his outstanding wisdom and mouth watering riches could compensate for the great consequences that he brought upon himself on the alter of wrong marriage relationships. This is enough to teach you how relationship can Mar or make your life and destiny in life.
You see, as I said earlier, relationship is much critical to your destiny. The devil understands this, and that’s why he always waits — if he has failed in other areas — till the stage of choosing a life partner to truncate and destroy one’s life. He knew how relevant marriage relationship is to the fulfillment of God’s plan for our lives. It is so much heart breaking to see many young men and women today jeopardizing their lives and destinies by entering into all kinds of relationship. In fact, many people have entered into it before they realize how unwise and foolish they had been for taking that decision.

Let’s take a look at the first man, Adam, and how he entered his own relationship. You will agree with me that the first thing God gave Adam was not a wife; it was purpose! God gave him a sense of responsibility. He knew clearly what he was created and meant to do. And, he was charged with the responsibility of fulfilling that purpose. You see, your life is contained in your purpose, and not any other thing else. What defines your entire life is not prosperity, as some people erroneously believe; it’s not relationship, yes, it is important but not the first thing. What gives definition to your life here on earth is your purpose. So, before you even think of entering into any relationship, you must have a clear understanding of your purpose in life. Take time to find out what God has destined you to be and to do. I’m not talking about your career; I mean your real essence of existence. That’s the key to fulfilling your destiny in life. A relationship you enter into, without a clear sense of purpose and vision, I’m sorry, will not last! That’s the pure truth. I wonder on what basis, after Christ, you want the relationship to be defined, if you have not discovered your purpose in life. You must understand, and you must be able to define your purpose and your vision in life. What do you see yourself become in years to come? What plans do you have for your future? These are the things that are very necessary before you make the choice of your life partner. Myles Munroe said and I quote, “the best time to enter into a relationship is when you don’t need it” what does that mean? It means, before you enter into any relationship, you must have been living a life of fulfillment. Waiting till you have a partner before you start fulfilling in life is the greatest of all self deceits. Don’t deceive yourself that it is relationship that will make you fulfilled in life. Yes, it is, but that does not mean that that your entire life is defined by relationship; your purpose is much more greater. Discover it before you go into any relationship.

Also, note again that, it was after Adam had understood his purpose that God now brought his wife, Eve, to him. God actually said, “it is not good for a man to be alone” not good in what sense? That is, it would not be good enough for him to be without a life. Why? Because, the fulfillment of the purpose which he had discovered depended on his relationship. Note that God said, “I will make him an help meet for him”. Help meet in this sense does not connote, her (Eve) being a slave to him (Adam), but that she, the woman, would be an helper of the man’s destiny. You see, you don’t just go into a relationship. You have to carefully consult God so that your partner will also be an help meet for your destiny. Please, a relationship with someone who can’t and will not help and support your vision is already a faulty relationship. Such a relationship can never last, because, it will be full of problems. And, it will debar such a person from getting to where God has destined one to be. Many people’s relationships, today,  are predicated on beauty, riches, influence and even spirituality. Just because that lady is facially beafutiful or that, that guy is very handsome does not mean he/she is meant for you. That he/she is spiritual, has passion and zeal for God, a chorister, a prayer warrior or whatever does not mean he/she is your help meet. Yes, those spiritual qualities are very nice, beautiful, vital and essential. However, those things are not the primary criterials. The primary factor, after God, you need to consider before going into any relationship, is your PURPOSE AND VISION. Is the person then right and the proper person for your destiny ? He/she has to be your destiny mate.
This is undoubtedly where many people miss it. They put all other factors into consideration whenever they want to enter into relationship, but they neglect God, their purposes and visions. Sam Adeyemi, a wonderful man of God in our generation, said in one of his messages, that when he was about to enter into relationship with his to-be -wife, he told her that he had nothing but a vision. That was what he communicated to her. He made her to realize that though he might not having anything yet in respect to money, but that he had something — his vision. — greater than money. Today, his wife will always be happy for not turning down his proposal, though there was no money initially. And, also, he (Sam Adeyemi) would be very happy for not choosing wrongly. Glory to God!
Beloved, I’m sharing this because it is one of the things that we really need to understand. If your purpose of going into relationship is just to get someone hooked up with or to satisfy your lustful desires, then you are heading towards an hopeless end. Wait! Consider God, Consider your life’s purpose before going into any relationship. Your life partner is meant to be an helper of your destiny, and not a destroyer of it. But, if you are not very careful in choosing your partner, you might live the rest of your life to regret the glorious blissful marriage you had.
So, you discover that relationship is absolutely vital to the fulfillment of your destiny. Also note that it was God that brought Eve to Adam. So, also you must absolutely depend on God for direction in the choice of a partner. Do not walk in your own ways; rather, walk in God’s ways. Do not let lust, beauty, money and influence to entice you into the web of the enemy of your destiny. Do not be in an unnecessary hurry to get a life partner. Rather be patient with God in prayers until you receive a guidance.

My dear reader,  if you have been in any relationship without investing much in prayers and discovering your life’s purpose, I will advise you carefully withdraw, and begin to trust God for a good perfect marriage relationship. Once again, do not jeopardize your life in the name of having a “boy friend” or “girl friend with which you satisfies your sexual desires.  Don’t ruin your destiny on the alter of immorality or wrong marriage relationship. Be very careful and sensitive. God has designed your own help meet for you. You just need to press more into God to get the best. Relationship is very critical and vital, do not rush into it. Be very much careful! Be careful! And, I repeat, be careful! Relationship Is absolutely crucial to the fulfillment of your destiny in life.
Dear reader, nothing is more glorious and fulfilling than having a wonderful glorious life partner. Be patient to meet that destiny partner whom God has reserved for you. Never be blinded to God’s plan for your life by infatuations, lustful feelings and immorality. God has a greater plans for you than that. It’s my prayer that you will choose rightly in Jesus name!

Thanks and God bless
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